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Role of Biotechnology in Medicinal and Aromatic plants
Editor(s) :Irfan Ali Khan, Atiya Khanum

ISBN : 9788188279395
Name : Role of Biotechnology in Medicinal and Aromatic plants
Price : Currency 1050.00
Volume : 15 vol
Editor/s : Irfan Ali Khan, Atiya Khanum
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 283
Year of Publication : 2007
Publisher : Ukaaz/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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Volume-15: 1. Therapeutic potential of fruits, vegetables and spices 2. Cabbage: vegetables and health care. 3. Haldi: spice sat home for health remedies 4. Neem: the pride of India 5. Tulsi: the ozone protector cures many ailments 6. Papaya: a wholesome low calorie fruit for good health 7. Red gram: a source of herbal protein 8. Mustard oil: ethnomedicine of herbal oil 9. Vitamins: vitamin-A Vision 2020: the right to sight 10. Diet and obesity: balanced diet keeps us fit and fine 11. Iodine: an essential micronutrient for growth Volume-16: 1. Herbal therapy for aids 2. Herbal therapy for hemorrhoids 3. Advances in stem cell research 4. Blood pressure / hypertension and its management - a holistic approach 5. Some common unani medicinal plants of Indian orign 6. Medicinal plants of nasik district 7. Herbal treatment of rheumatism 8. Herbal cure for asthma 9. Botanical identity in pharmacology and pharmacognosy of some important herbs used as contraceptives 10. Tribal medicines for the welfare of mother and the child 11. Bhangra 12. Amla : a wonder gift of nature Volume-17: 1. Enzymes as indicators of diseases 2. Methods of antigen presentation 3. Contribution to the ethnobotany of balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh 4. Medicinal plants of eastern Uttar Pradesh 5. Folk medicinal plants and traditional knowledge of tribals of talakona and tirupati forest division of Andhra Pradesh Volume-18: 1. Aids : the global challenge 2. Introduction, awareness and treatment for aids 3. Antidiabetic plants of uttar pradesh 4. Medicinally important plants of east and west godavari districts of andhra pradesh 5. Cultivation and conservation of genetic diversity with special reference to medicinal plants of a.p. forests 6. some common diseases and their traditional treatment in kashmir 7. An inventory of ayurvedic medicinal plants for combating asthmatic complaints 8. Ethnomedicinal health cares in tribes of chotanagpur plateau of jarkhand state 9. Vegetable nutraceuticals 10. Phytosociological structure of plants community in proposed biodiversffy eco park : bargi hills area, jabalpur of madhya pradesh 11. Fruits and their medicinal values

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