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Steroid Analysis in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Author(s) :Gorog S.

ISBN : 9788188449248
Name : Steroid Analysis in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Price : Currency 1995.00
Author/s : Gorog S.
Type : Text Book
Pages : 410
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : PharmaBookSyndicate/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book:

This unique work describes the analytical chemistry of an important group of pharmaceutical compounds from the viewpoint of the pharmaceutical scientist. It reflects the view of an analytical chemist with 30 years practical and research experience in the pharmaceutical sciences, who has invited a team of specialist experts to collaborate in this exciting and challenging project. Investigating the spectroscopic, chromatographic, immunological and electro-analytical methods used in industrial steroid analysis, the book gives a balance of examples to reflect the special needs of pharmaceutical industrial scientists. Covering several aspects of the structure elucidation of steroids which occur in pharmaceutics, the authors cover a range of new synthetic products not previously discussed in literate for. The authors present analytical problems associated with the investigation of bulk steroid drugs, dealing with the starting materials of steroid semi-synthesis, with examples of in-process-control merit. They deal with preformulation studies, discuss assay and stability assay methods, and determine steroids in biological samples from an analytical viewpoint as well as in terms of health control in steroid production.


1. Introduction 

2. Methods used in steroid analysis 

3. Structural elucidation of steroids 

4. Analytical control of the production of steroids 

5. Analytical control of steroid formulation 

6. Determinations of steroids in biological media

About the Author:

Sándor Görög has been a Director of the Synthetic Organic Research Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. in Budapest, Hungary, since 1986. He was previously a Research Fellow (1959-76), and Head of the Physio-chemical Research Department (1976-86) at Gedeon Richter Ltd. He was awarded a Ph.D. in Co-ordination Chemistry (1959) from the University of Szeged; a C.Sc. in Steroid Analysis (1968), and a D.Sc. in Spectrophotometric Drug Analysis (1973), both from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; and is an Honorary Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Semmelweis Medical University’s School of Pharmacy, Budapest (1975). Professor Görög is a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Chairman of the Pharmaceutical and Organic Analysis Working party (1986); Vice-Chairman of the Analytical Division of the Hungarian Chemical Society (1980–); and was Chairman of the Analytical Division of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Association (1975–83). He is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Acta Pharmaceutical Hungarica; Editor of the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analytical Chemistry. Professor Görög has written four other books on steroid analysis.

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