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Symbolic Computing and Signal and Image Procesing (includes CD-ROM)
Author(s) :E. G. Rajan

ISBN : 8178000474
Name : Symbolic Computing and Signal and Image Procesing (includes CD-ROM)
Price : Currency 1495.00
Author/s : E. G. Rajan
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 393
Year of Publication : 2003
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

Symbolic Computing - Signal and Image Processing is the result of many  years of fundamental research carried out with the purpose of evolving logico-mathematical framework for symbolic computing. It gives a first time exposure to certain ideas and concepts related to non-numerical signal and image processing and provides certain latest technologies that may serve as a reportoire of tools that are of significant use in formulating DNA computing paradigms. This book has been organized to ensure that the reader understands every concept without the need of any cross-reference.

            A demo CD - ROM, containing the software Logical Image Processing System (LIPS  version 3.0) is provided along with the book.


  1. Part I   - Symbolic Signal Processing
  2. Part II  - A Language Theoretic Approach To Signal Processing
  3. Part III - Theory Of Constructive Signal Processing
  4. Part IV - Symbolic Image Processing
  5. Part V  - Applications of Cellular Logic Array Processing

About the Authors

Prof. E.G. Rajan has Ph.D. in Signal Processing from IIT, Kanpur.  He has numerous research papers to his credit published in various International & National Journals.  He is a visiting professor to Florida Institute of Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology and other Institutions in U.S.A.  He is presently working as Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vasavi Engineering College, Hyderabad

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