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Terminology on Plant Physiology
Author(s) :B. Gopal Singh, Aruna Kumari

ISBN : 817800089X
Name : Terminology on Plant Physiology
Price : Currency 650.00
Author/s : B. Gopal Singh, Aruna Kumari
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 423
Year of Publication : 2005
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

Since the science of plant physiology has been changing rapidly and specialists continue to probe their field in-depth, much of the modern biological science is intimately intertwined with the rest of the science. The profound impact of Molecular Genetics is clearly evident in plant physiology as well as the whole of biology. The book "Terminology on plant physiology" takes into account the vast increase in physiological knowledge and the evolution of fundamental concepts that are uniquely associated with plant physiology. To help students understand the scientific approach and develop an attitude of critical understanding, some of the fundamental laboratory terms are included.

About the Author

B. Gopal Singh, Associate Dean and Professor of Plant Physiology, Agricultural college, ANGRAU, Aswaraopet, has taught Crop Physiology, Environmental Physiology, Seed Physiology, Herbicide Physiology to Under graduate and Post graduate students. He guided 29 M.Sc and 6 Ph.D students. He acted as member in several Research Advisory Committees. He has undergone higher training abroad under AHRD Programme of ANGR Agricultural University from January to April, 1999. Singh involved in analysis of transgenic tobacco plants carrying the genes involved in sulfur metabolism. He demonstrated that the plants carrying glutamine synthetase (GS) and sulfur metabolism (HAL 2) genes are able to produce high levels of glutathione and reduce lipid peroxidation induced due to oxidative stress. This is a significant finding and help in development of vigorous plants resistant to oxidative stress. Aruna Kumari, Research Associate, and presently working a National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). She worked on seed dormancy of rice under Dr. B. Gopal Singh. She won the Young Scientist Award for the best thesis presentation in the National Seminar of Plant Physiology held during 2001 at Dharwad.

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