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Basic Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines
Author(s) :Zoeb Husain, Zulkifly Abdullah, Zainal Alimuddin

ISBN : 9788178001470
Name : Basic Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines
Price : Currency 200.00
Author/s : Zoeb Husain, Zulkifly Abdullah
Type : Text Book
Pages : 234
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

Fluid mechanics is concerned with the behaviour of liquids and gases and is important in many branches of engineering – biomechanics, oceanography, chemical, aeronautical, mechanical, and civil engineering including environmental studies.  There are specialized books on fluid mechanics for each of these areas and therefore this book will present only general properties of fluid flow. The book examines various forms of energy, especially thermo and hydro power, and provides  outlines of various types of power plants. An outstanding feature of the book is the classification of fluid mechanics.


  1. Dimensions and Systems of Units
  2. Fluid Flow
  3. Thermal and Hydropower Stations
  4. Fluid Machinery
  5. Pelton Turbine
  6. Francis Turbine
  7. Propeller and Kaplan Turbines
  8. Turbo Pumps
  9. Positive Displacement Pumps

About the Authors

Dr. Zoeb Hussian has obtained Ph.D. in turbo machine from Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, Russia. He has wide experience of teaching and research for 35 years. He worked as Associate Professor in University of Tabriz, Iran Professor and University Sains, Malaysia. He was also Professor and Principal of M.J. College of Engineering in Hyderabad. He has published articles in 8 national and 5 international journals on Bio-Engineering. He has published a book on Steam Turbine and another on Gas Dynamics.

Dr. Mohd. Zulkify Abdullah obtained M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom. He has been working as Associate professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering, University Sains, Malaysia. He has published 16 journals and 46 conference papers. He has taught the fluid Mechanics and Thermo fluids subjects at the university level.

Dr. Zanial Alimuddin is an Associate professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering, University Sains Malaysia since 1987. He obtained Ph. D. from university of Wales, Cardiff, Dr. Zainal has published over 60 papers in international journals and conferences.

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