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The Science of Weather & Environment
Author(s) :Pandarinath

ISBN : 8178001306
Name : The Science of Weather & Environment
Price : Currency 995.00
Author/s : Pandarinath
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 589
Year of Publication : 2007
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the books:

The science of weather and environment is very complex, each affects the other.  It involves many basic sciences. This book deals with the principal aspects of weather, climate environment and its pollution both natural and man-made.


· Briefly deals with natural hazards, droughts, and floods, cyclones, storm surges, tsunamis, earth quakes, avalanches and land slides

· Artificial Satellites and use of Satellite based weather data in detection of tropical cyclones; monitoring, forecasting and use of Satellites in disaster warnings are explained.

· Turning to environment, it briefly deals with air pollution, acid rains, disposal of pollutants, NAAQ standards.

· Water, its pollution, hardness and softness of water, drinking water standards in India, water conservation methods are presented

· A separate chapter on Aviation Meteorology is added to meet the demands of weather services by Trainee Pilots in Civil Aviation


1. The Sun and the Atmosphere of Earth, 2. Physical Variables, 3. The Motion of Earth, 4. Atmospheric Pressure, 5. Water in the Atmosphere, 6. The Surface Wind, 7. Cloud Classification, 8. Meterors, 9. Visibility and Fog, 10. Vertical Stability of the Atmosphere, 11. Atmospheric Aerosols, 12. Precipitation Processes, 13. Air Masses and Fronts, 14. Convection Clouds, 15. Radar Detection of Clouds and Thunderstorms, 16. Hailstorm, 17. Tornadoes, 18. Tropical Meteorology, 19. Jet Streams, 20. Monsoons, 21. A Bird's Eye View of Global Monsoon, 22. Drought, 23. Natural Disasters, 24. Tropical Cyclones, 25. Cyclone Assessment Through Satellite Images, 26. Artificial Satellites, 27. Climatology, 28. Climate and India, 29. Air Pollution, 30.Water and Its Pollution, 31. Environment, 32. Wind Energy, 33. Brief Description of the Physical Environment of India, 34. Aeronautical Meteorology

About the Author:

 Navale Pandharinath is a retired Director of India Meteorological Department (IMD). He obtained his postgraduate degrees in Mathematics and Statistics from Osmania University. He has undergone departmental advanced training in Meteorology at Pune. He has rich experience both in Aviation and Non-Aviation weather forecasting, Cyclone warnings, Flood-Meteorological work and Agricultural Meteorological work. He has contributed papers regularly to “Mausam” and ‘Vayumandal’, departmental journals of Indian Meteorological Department, besides various National and International Seminars and Symposiums.

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