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Tryst with Global Competition : Strategic Response of Corporate India
Author(s) :Hemnath Rao H.

ISBN : 8178001217
Name : Tryst with Global Competition : Strategic Response of Corporate India
Price : Currency 425.00
Author/s : Hemnath Rao H.
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 208
Year of Publication : 2006
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book:

This book “Tryst with Global Competition : Strategic Response of India” is an  effort to understand the strategic behavior and major strategic choices made by Indian companies in response to the escalating competition, as the National Economy moved closer towards integrating itself with the global economies. The research methodology based on a multiple, holistic case study design concludes that globalization is irreversible and strategic response of the Indian business is most APT, resulted in joint ventures and strategic alliances with global business.         The present research work will provide very useful inputs to the Indian industry, CEO’s Industry Associations, Management teachers and researchers and policy makers.


1. Globalisation : Concept and Contours, 2. Economic Globalisation and Strategy: Retrospect & Prospect, 3. Global Competition at India’s Doorstep: About this Research, 4. Courting Globalisation: Walking Up The Altar, 5. Strategic Response of Indian Corporates to Global Competition : A ‘CEO’ Survey, 6. Electronics Corporation of India Ltd. - Strategy Unresolved!, 7. VST Industries Limited- Strategy Unrealized, 8. Strategising for Excellence -The Case of Indian Oil Corporation, 9. Strategising for Leadership- The Case of Reliance Industries, 10. How Corporate India Strategised? Summing Up

About the Author:

Hemnath Rao, MBA (JNTU), MBA (Durham, UK) and Ph.D. is presently a faculty member at administrative staff college, Hyderabad.

He has work experience of 25 years in private, public and cooperative sectors within and outside India. He has presented research papers in National and International conferences and also published in journals.

            He has activity associated with the formulation of corporate and competitive strategies for reputed corporate and strategic restructuring of departments / organisations of Government of India and State Governments. He has designed and delivered programmes in strategic management for senior and top management officials of large public and private enterprises, entrepreneurs and managers of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES) and senior civil servants of all India central services.
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