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Veterinary Extension Education
Author(s) :G. R. K. Sharma

ISBN : 9788178001555
Name : Veterinary Extension Education
Price : Currency 1995.00
Author/s : G. R. K. Sharma
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 438
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Books:

This book has been prepared to serve as a textbook for students taking professional courses in the discipline of extension education in all veterinary and fisheries colleges and State veterinary units as well as agricultural universities in India. Various concepts, philosophy, principles and methods of extension education programme planning, private extension, information and communication technologies and rural developmental programmes have been described at a functional level so as to help extension functionaries properly and effectively.

Salient Features

· This book shall serve as a handbook in the relevant government departments, Non-governmental organizations, co–operatives and all other input agencies, as well as research institutes and Krishi Vigyan Kendras in respect of their extension work critically.

· Teachers, students, research workers, extension agents and persons engaged in rural management, transfer of technology and communication shall find this textbook very useful.


1. Extension Education : Concept, Objectives and Principles, 2. Genesis of Extension in India, 3. Rural Sociology, 4. Teaching-Learning Process, 5. Extension Teaching Methods, 6. Audio-visual Methods & Materials, 7. Communication For Development, 8. Extension Management, 9. Adoption and Diffusion Process, 10. Programme Planning and Evaluation, 11. Leaders and Leadership, 12.  Livestock Development Programmes in India, 13. Cooperatives: Meaning & Objectives, 14. Livestock Economics & Accountancy, 15. Livestock Farming: Types, Systems & Marketing, 16. Survey Techniques & Sampling Methods, 17. Participatory Rural Appraisal, 18. Entrepreneurship, 19. Private Extension: Indian Experiences, 20. Transfer of Technology, 21. Fisheries Extension in India

About the Author:  

G.R.K. Sharma holds a doctoral degree in the discipline of veterinary extension education. He is presently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension, College of Veterinary Science, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati, India. He has an impeccable academic record. He has also worked as Veterinary Doctor at State Animal Husbandry Department, Andhra Pradesh, coordinating production, health and transfer of technology aspects in livestock sector.

He has to his credit more than 25 publications (includes both national and international). He wrote a book entitled Cyber Livestock Communication and Extension Education for the benefit of graduate veterinarians and livestock farmers in general and stakeholders involved in Internet communication. He is acting as Editor-in-chief, for the international journal ‘African Journal of Livestock Extension, SOUTH AFRICA.
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