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VLSI Design Methodologies for Digital Signal Processing Architecture
Editor(s) :Bayoumi, Magdy A.

ISBN : 9788181283160
Name : VLSI Design Methodologies for Digital Signal Processing Architecture
Price : Currency 1295.00
Editor/s : Bayoumi, Magdy A.
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 399
Year of Publication : 2005
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Sphinx: a High Level Synthesis System for DSP ASIC; N. Ramakrishna, M.A. Bayoumi. 2. Synthesizing Optimal Application-Specific DSP Architectures; C.H. Gebotys. 3. Synthesis of Multiple Bus Architectures for DSP Applications; B.S. Haroun, M.I. Elmasry. 4. Exploring the Algorithmic Design Space using High Level Synthesis; M. Potknonjak, J. Rabaey. 5. The MARS High-Level DSP Synthesis System; C.-Y. Wang, K.K. Parhi. 6. High Performance Architecture Synthesis System; P. Duncan, S. Swamy, S. Sprouse, D. Potasz, R. Jain. 7. Modeling Data Flow and Control Flow for DSP System Synthesis; M.F.X.B. Swaaij, F.H.M. Franssen, F.V.M. Catthoor, H.J. DeMan. 8. Automatic Synthesis of Vision Automata; B. Zavidovique, C. Fortunel, G. Quenot, A. Safir, J. Serot, F. Verdier. 9. Architectures and Building Blocks for Data Stream DSP Processors; G.A. Jullien. 10. A General Purposer Xputer Architecture derived from DSP and Image Processing; A. Ast, R.W. Hartenstein, H. Reinig, K. Schmidt, M. Weber.

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