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A System C Primer,with CD
Author(s) :J. Bhasker

ISBN : 9788178001418
Name : A System C Primer,with CD
Price : Currency 795.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : J. Bhasker
Type : Text Book
Pages : 322
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2022
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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ABout the Book

“.... a primer that gradually introduces the reader to the complexities of SystemC by reference to common digital design concepts ...”

     “Well suited as a text book for sudents and great value for hardware designers that want to get started with SystemC”

     Bernhard Niemann, Fraunhofer Institute for  Integrated Circuits

     “This is definitely a reference for designers who want to learn SystemC at RTL level. Numerous examples guide the reader towards a sound understanding of the language. Higher level SystemC features are introduced and not kept aside. Bottom line, a very good introductory book to systemC ...”

Yves Vanderperren, Alcatel Microelectronics

     “Provides an excellent introduction to SystemC ... SystemC concepts are clearly explained and illustrated with practical examples. It is a must read for people interested in modeling hardware in SystemC”.

Abhijit Ghosh, Synopsys

     “Very useful book for those interested in SystemC for hardware design ... has many practical examples and gives pragmatic advice on what is possible with RTL synthesis”.

Grant Martin, Fellow, Cadence Labs

 “I enjoyed reading it. Recommended to designers learning SystemC for modeling and synthesis.. it will also be welcomed on both graduate and advanced undergraduate courses”.

David Long, Doulos


1. Introduction, 2. Getting Started, 3. Data Types, 4. Modeling Combinational Logic, 5. Modeling Synchronous Logic, 6. Miscellaneous Logic, 7. Modeling Examples, 8. Writing Testbenches, 9. Modeling Beyond RTL


About the Author


Bhasker is an Architect at eSilicon Corporation.He was a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies. He has written a number  of other books on hardware description languages and synthesis including the best-selling books “A VHDL Primer” and “A Verilog HDL Primer”. Bhasker has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota. M.Tech. in Computer Technology and a B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi.
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