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Handbook of Enzyme Biotechnology
Author(s) :Alan Wiseman

ISBN : 9788188449170
Name : Handbook of Enzyme Biotechnology
Price : Currency 495.00
Author/s : Alan Wiseman
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 288
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

The "Handbook of Enzyme Biotechnology" offers a deep dive into the principles of enzyme production and usage. It is structured into two parts; while the first part focuses on the theory and principles of biotechnology, the second part demystifies the industrial applications of enzymes with a compilation of data on industrial enzymes, the details of their production, purification, and immobilization, and the industrial practices around them. The book brings together the expertise of leading experts in the industry. The book serves as a valuable reference for professionals, researchers, and students alike, interested in the applications of biochemistry in the industrial sector. This handbook is a must-have for anyone looking to explore this dynamic and growing field.


PART I : Principles of Enzyme Production and Utilization 1: Introduction to Principles, 2: Principles of Industrial Enzymology, 3: Large-Scale Production of Enzymes: Techniques in Fermentation, 4: Large-Scale Extraction and Purification of Enzymes, 5: Principles of Immobilized-Enzyme Technology, 6: Enzyme Utilization in Industrial Processes PART II : Data for Industrial Application of Enzymes 1: Introduction to Data, 2: Enzyme Data, 3: Fermentation Data and Equipment, 4: Practical Aspects of Large-Scale Enzyme Purification, 5: Data on Techniques for Enzyme Immobilization, 6: Industrial Practice with Enzymes

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