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Vedic Science Primer
Author(s) :P. S. R. Murthy

ISBN : 9788178001982
Name : Vedic Science Primer
Price : Currency 125.00
Author/s : P. S. R. Murthy
Type : Text Book
Pages : 158 pages
Year of Publication : 2009
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

In this book a sincere attempt is made to bring to the notice of the inquistive mind an elementary exposure of the vedic literature. Relatively more importance is given to a few topics such as the Vedas, Upanishads, Manusmriti, Yoga science of Patanjali and Tantra as these have become well known and many would be interested to learn a little more about them.


1. Vedas 2. Rigveda (Samhitas) 3. Yajurveda (Samhitas) 4. Samaveda (Samhitas) 5. Atharvanaveda (Samhitas) 6. Brahmanas 7. Aranyakas 8. Upanishads 9. Vedangas 10. Upavedas 11. Shatdarsanas 12. The Smritis 13. Itihasas 14. The Puranas 15. The Agamas 16. Tantra 17. Gita – The Essence of Vedic Philosophy 18. Man and Happiness

About the Author

P.S.R.Murty, M.E., PhD (Power Systems) received German academic exchange service fellowship for higher studies and training at Technical University, Berlin. He worked as Assistant Professor at Regional Engineering College (now National Institute of Technology) Warangal for 13 years. He also worked as Professor of Electrical Engineering, Osmania University College of Engineering for 21 years, holding several academic and administrative positions as Principal and Dean, Faculty of Engineering. After retirement, P.S.R. Murthy is presently Principal, Sree Datha Institute of Engineering and Science, Hyderabad . He has published large number of research papers and guided several doctoral candidates. He has authored two books – Modelling of Power System Components and Power System Analysis, Published by BS Publications, Hyderabad.

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