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Handbook of Environmental Laws, Acts, Guidelines, Compliances & Standards
Author(s) :R. K. Trivedy

ISBN : 9788178002217
Name : Handbook of Environmental Laws, Acts, Guidelines, Compliances & Standards
Price : Currency 5995.00
Edition : 3rd Edition
Volume : Volume 1
Author/s : R. K. Trivedy
Type : Reference Book
Pages : Volume-I: 956 & Volume-II: 1081
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2025
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

Introducing the highly acclaimed "Handbook of Environmental Laws vol-I&II: Revised and Updated Edition". This essential guide is now in its third edition, featuring comprehensive revisions, enlargement, and the latest updates till August 2010. 

Having gained immense popularity worldwide, the previous two editions of this handbook have been well-received in India. Notably, this book has been included in the prestigious 'List of Recommended Books for UGC' syllabus on modular courses in the environment.

In the span of 2004-2009, significant changes have swept across India's Environmental Governance, accompanied by the enactment of new legislations. The Handbook of Environmental Laws serves as an invaluable resource for students, educational institutions, industries, state and central government institutions, as well as research laboratories seeking the most up-to-date information in the field.

Some key features of this updated edition include an in-depth exploration of the major changes in the 2006 EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) notification. Readers will also discover valuable insights into the creation of State level Environment Impact Assessment Authorities, the National Biodiversity Authority, Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Authority, Water Quality Assessment Authority, Coastal Zone Management Notification of 2008, and the Hazardous Waste Management Rules of 2008, among others.

Handbook of Environmental Laws is an indispensable tool that will undoubtedly enrich your understanding of environmental laws, governance, and policy in India and beyond.


Volume I I. Introduction II. Indian Constitution & Environment, Environmental Policy of India & the Legislative Framework III. Institution Mechanism & Environmental Policy IV. Environmental Clearance & Guidelines for Industries V. Environmental Standards VI. Hazardous Wastes VII. Environmental Audit VIII. Water Pollution IX. Air Pollution X. Public Liability Insurance XI. National Environment Appellate Authority XII. National Environment Tribunal XIII. Indian Forest Service XVI. Wildlife Volume II XVII. Animal Welfare XVIII. Environment Protection

About the Author

Prof. (Dr.) R.K. Trivedy, PhD is currently National Business Manager (Environmental Services) with a Multinational company. He has served as Professor and Head, Department of Environmental Science, University of Pune. He has 30 years of experience in the field of fresh water ecology, aquatic weed ecology and management, biomonitoring of water pollution and wastewater treatment. He has done pioneering work in India in utilization of water hyacinth for sewage and industrial waste treatment and he is a member of International specialist group in this field. Dr. Trivedy has been Principal investigator of several research projects funded by Ministry of Environment, U.G.C. and D.B.T. He has organized a large number of National and International Conferences and Training programmers on Industrial Pollution, Environmental Biotechnology, Climate Change and Carbon Markets. He has published over 107 research papers in reputed National and International Journals. He has guided many Ph.Ds., M. Phil and M.Tech theses He has authored/edited 33 books and is the editor of first Environmental Directory of India. His two books are in National UGC syllabus on Environment as prescribed books. He has been member of several committees at National level. He has been editing prestigious International Journals - Pollution Research since 1982 and is also editing Jr. of Industrial Pollution Control and other quarterly journals Ecology, Environment and Conservation and Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences. Dr. Trivedy is a peer committee member of NAAC. He has delivered over 300 invited lectures in India and has traveled to Australia, France, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Portugal, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Spain, Mauritius, Hong Kong, Philippines and Iran as visiting faculty and to attend International Conferences. He has also authored books on ‘ Introduction to Air Pollution’ and ‘Biotechnological applications in Environmental Management’ published by us.

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