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Integral Approaches to Tribo-testing in Mechanical Engineering
Author(s) :H. Prashad

ISBN : 9788178001999
Name : Integral Approaches to Tribo-testing in Mechanical Engineering
Price : Currency 3995.00
Author/s : H. Prashad
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 449
Year of Publication : 2009
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

This book brings out the solutions to various complex technical problems of mechanical, tribology and engineering sciences concerning hard and soft coatings, adhesion, scratch, wear, tribological studies in bioengineering, cylinder liners, gasoline engines, micro/nano studies in lubricants and additives including effect of electric current and influence of magnetic flux density on bearing surfaces. It also studies diagnosis and investigations of such cases those are closely associated with the significance of tribology in multifold applications. It is useful for engineers and technologists of heavy industry, students, research engineeers/scientists, academicians and others who grapple with the complex problems of testing engineering components and tribology for multifaceted research for further developments. Salient Features: Different investigations, their analysis and solutions detailed are unique in nature. Comprehensive tribo-mechanical testing of hard coatings, multi-sensing advance testing of thin and thick coatings, bond strength, scratch, indentation, wear and adhesion testing, mapping of thin overcoats for nano/micro tribo-metrology. Premature failure of bearings due to various unforeseen causes. Methods of characteristics, evaluation of electrical contact properties of carbon nanotube coated surfaces. Details of theoretical and experimental analysis of magnetic flux density distribution as a diagnostic tool for critical failures of bearings. Friction and wear characteristics of rubber coating in fretting and experimental measurements of visco-elastic properties of polymers. Characterization and simulation of cylinder liner surface finishes and study of low friction ring pack for gasoline engines. Life estimation of turbine oils, besides a non-conventional integral approach for testing of lubricating oils and effect of nano additives on lubricants. Tribological studies in bioengineering including tribo-metrology of skin, micro/nano scale characterization of orthopedic applications and friction studies in bovine knee articular cartilage.


Section - I Tribology 1. Tribology, Its Significance and Multifold Applications Section - II Lubricants 2. Latest Tribology Testing of Lubricating Oils and Effect of Nano-additives on Oils 3. Diagnosis of Deterioration of Lithium Greases Used in Rolling-Element Bearings by X-Ray Diffractrometry 4. Acceptance Criterion for Turbine Oils 5. A Combinatorial Approach to Elucidating Tribochemical Mechanisms Section – III Bearing under Electric Current 6. A State-of-the-Art Review of Bearings and Lubricants in Electrical Environment 7. Causes of Shaft Voltages in Rotating Machines 8. Magnetic Flux Density Distribution on Track Surfaces of Rolling-Element Bearings 9. Unusual Causes of Rolling-Element Bearings Failure 10. Localized Electrical Current in Rolling-Element Bearings 11. Rolling-Element Bearings Under the Influence of an Electric Current Section – IV Bio-tribology 12. Tribometrology of Skin 13. Tribological Testing of Skin Products: Gender, Age, and Ethnicity on the Volar Forearm 14. Tribometrological Studies in Bioengineering 15. An Overview of Tribological Studies on Coefficient of Friction of Human Skin 16. Wear Behavior and Debris Distribution of UHMWPE against Si3N4 Ball under Bi-Directional Sliding 17. Micro/Nano Scale Mechanical and Tribological Characterization of Silicon carbide for Orthopedic Applications 18. The Frictional Coefficient of Bovine Knee Articular Cartilage Section – V Tribology in Engines 19. Investigations of Low Friction Ring Pack for Gasoline Engines 20. Investigations into Characterization and Simulation of Cylinder Linear Surface Finishes Section – VI Films and Coatings 21. Multi-Sensor Testing of Thin and Thick Coatings for Adhesion and Delamination 22. Comprehensive Tribo-Mechanical Testing of Hard Coatings 23. Quantitative Nano & Micro Scale Metrology of Thin Films and Coatings 24. Integrated Multi-Sensor Tribo-SPM 25. Evaluation of the Bond Strength of Thermal Sprayed Coatings 26. Friction and Wear of a Rubber Coating in Fretting 27. Friction Coefficient Studies on Hold-Down Systems for Space Mechanisms 28. Method of Characterizing Electrical Contact Properties of Carbon Nano-tube Coated Surfaces Section – VII Polymers 29. Experiments on Precision Measurements of Viscoelastic Properties of Industrial Polymers 30. Properties of Peek-Based Nano-composite Coatings Incorporating Inorganic Fullerene-Like Nano-particles 31. Synthesis of Cr2O3-Based Nano-composite Coatings with Incorporation of Inorganic Fullerene-Like Nano-particles Section – VIII Indentation, Scratch and Mapping 32. Comparison of Instrumented and Conventional Nano and Micro Indentation and Scratch Tests 33. Tribo-Mechanical Nano-Characterization of Thin Films 34. Non-Destructive High-Resolution Stiffness Mapping of Composite Engineered Surfaces Section – IX CMP-Chemico Mechanical Processing 35. Post-CMP (Chemical Mechanical Polarisation) Cleaning Applications: Challenges and Opportunities 36. Bench Top Dual Mode eCMP Polisher with Multi Sensing Metrology Section – X Cosmetics 37. Comprehensive Nano-Mechanical and Tribological Characterization of Hair

About the Author

Dr. H. Prashad has worked for three decades in the Research and Development Division of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), one of the world's leading manufactures of power plant equipment. He has published widely on tribology issues in engineering. Presently he is consultant of Centre for Tribology Incorporated (CETR), Campbell, CA, USA.

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