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The Principles of Heterocyclic Chemisty
Author(s) :Alan R. Katritzky, J.M. Lagowski

ISBN : 9788188449880
Name : The Principles of Heterocyclic Chemisty
Price : Currency 275.00
Author/s : Alan R. Katritzky, J.M. Lagowski
Type : Text Book
Pages : 200
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2022
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

The Principles of Heterocyclic Chemistry was published with an aim to rationalize the subject in terms of the electronic theory of organic chemistry, which has been so helpful in promoting the understanding of aliphatic and benzenoid chemistry. This work received an enthusiastic reception as far as overall conception and accuracy were concerned. However, it was generally considered to contain more material than required by the student, and to be somewhat difficult to read because of the terse style. Hence the book has been revised thoroughly. Salient features in this revision • Text has been largely rewritten. • Essential organization has been retained, but the amount of factual matter reduced and the explanatory passages simplified in an endeavour to make the book easily digestible. • A limited quantity of important new work has been incorporated. We feel that the book contains the essential heterocyclic chemistry required by an Undergraduate or Graduate student for his course-work, and it is also hoped that it will be found stimulating by senior teachers and researchers.


1. Introduction 2. Six-Membered Rings with One Heteroatom 3. Six-Membered Rings with Two or More Heteroatoms 4. Five-Membered Rings with One Heteroatom 5. Five-Membered Rings Containing Two or More Heteroatoms 6.Heterocyclic Compounds with Three-and Four-Membered Rinds 7. Physical Properties

About the Author

Prof. Katritzky is presently a member of the Editorial Board of 14 journals. He has edited the ongoing series “Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry,” now 96 volumes since its inception; he is the Executive Editor for Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry of which the third edition is published in 2008 and also for Comprehensive Organic Functional Group Transformations for which the second edition was published in 2005.

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