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Book Details
Computer Fundamentals with Pharmacy Applications
Author(s) :N. K. Tiwari

ISBN : 9788188449934
Name : Computer Fundamentals with Pharmacy Applications
Price : Currency 695.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : N. K. Tiwari
Type : Text Book
Pages : 440
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

The immense popularity of the first edition of this book by the faculty members and students of various colleges has resulted in publishing the Second Edition, with the new Chapters 11 and 13, now in all15 chapters, systematically organized for the better understanding of the subject in building strong fundamentals of computer and its applications. Features • In Chapter 11 Programming Language C is discussed • Chapter 13 deals with Application software This expanded edition will definitely be more helpful to the students.


1. Introduction to Computers 2. History of Computer 3. Classification of Computers 4. Number System 5. The System Concept 6. Fundamentals of Operating System 7. Computer Languages 8. Concept of Programming 9. Networks 10. Data Structure 11. Programming Language ‘C’ 12. BASIC Programming Language 13. Application Software 14. Introduction to Computer Graphics 15. Applications of Computers in Pharmaceutical and Clinical Studies

About the Author

N. K. Tiwari, MCA, M.Tech, Ph.D have 20 years of research & development and teaching experience. Dr.Tiwari is presently working as a Sr. Scientist in MPCST. He has received various national awards including AICTE: Best Hindi writer award 2005, best Hindi technical writer award, Dr.C.V.Raman technical writer award 2005 and 2006, young scientist award 1993 etc. Dr. Tiwari has published several books and more than 30 research papers. Dr. Tiwari is also Governing Member of several reputed organizations.

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