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Communications Statellite Handbook
Author(s) :Walter L. Morgan, Gary D. Gordon

ISBN : 9788126525782
Name : Communications Statellite Handbook
Price : Currency 1995.00
Author/s : Walter L. Morgan, Gary D. Gordon
Type : Text Book
Pages : 900
Year of Publication : 2010
Publisher : John Willey/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

Finally, a book with the material needed to analyze, design and use a satellite system for telecommunications, With this book, system designers, earth station operators, design engineers and students can understand how satellites function, and how they are used in ordinary service for voice, video, and data communications. This book will provide you with: • Identification of communications applications • The basic equations that govern the satellites and their uses • Descriptions of actual equipment used both in space and on the ground • What radio frequencies are used, with specific frequency assignments • Howto calculate link budgets • How a satellite is launched and gets to its proper position • How itis kept there, and the amount of fuel needed • Howto find the angles to point an earth station antenna • What are reliability models • How should the transmission system operate and how it can be checked • What traffic levels should be anticipated The book has graphs, tables and illustrations to enable the user to solve problems and then verify the answers by cross checking with alternate solutions. The formulas have been designed for use with scientific calculators or personal computers. This book supplement other texts. It is an excellent bridge between theory and practical experience. It is a basic reference book for both the student and the experienced professional. A comprehensive index allows the reader to find material quickly.


1. Introduction 2. Teletraffic 3. Communication System 4. Multiple-Access Techniques 5. Spacecraft Technology 6. Satellite Orbits

About the Authors

Wafter L. Morgan is the President and a Senior Consultant at the Communications Center of Clarksburg, MD. Mr. Morgan has been in key positions in the design and use of terrestrial and satellite communications throughout his entire career. A graduate of Carnegie.-Mellon University, he first worked at the David Sarnoff Research Center and then at GEs Astro Space Division. At COMSAT Laboratories he became a Senior Staff Scientist. At the Communications Center he and his staff provide clients information on th developments, trends and forecasts in the telecommunications industries. He is the author of over 150 technical and economic papers, the Consulting Editor to Satellite Communications magazine, and Editor of the Telecom munique newsletter. Gary D. Gordon is an Aerospace Consultant in Washington Grove, MD. He received his PhD in physics from Harvard University in 1954, Dr. Gordon was 14 years at COMSAT Laboratories as Senior Staff Scientist in the Spacecraft Laboratory. He was a member of the initial Editorial Board of the COMSAT Technical Review, He has taught courses on Spacecraft Technology, Satellite Orbits, Satellite Reliability, Spacecraft Thermal Design, and Computer Programming. He has made a 26hour videotape on Spacecraft Technology. Earlier, at GE’s Astro Space Division, he contributed to thermal design of the first weather satellite (TIROS) and was responsible for the thermal design of the RELAY communications satellite. He was active in a GE education program at the corporate level teaching managers modern physics, semiconductor devices and computers. He has written technical papers on electric propulsion, geodetic use of satellites, spacecraft thermal design and a proposed 30 kW solar array.

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