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Author(s) :Gabriel M. Rebeiz

ISBN : 9788126525805
Price : Currency 1995.00
Author/s : Gabriel M. Rebeiz
Type : Text Book
Pages : 483
Year of Publication : 2010
Publisher : John Willey/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

New RF and microwave frequency MEMS (microelectromechanical system ) have potentially enormous and widespread applications in the telecommunications industry. Components based on this technology – such as switches, varactors, and phase shifters – exhibit virtually no power consumption or loss, making them ideally suited for use in modern telecommunications and wireless devices. This book sets out the basics of RF MEMS and describes how to design practical devices and circuits. As well as covering fundamentals, Gabriel Rebeiz offers expert tips for designers and presents a range of real-world applications. Throughout, the author utilizes actual engineering example to illustrate basic princiles in theory and practice. Detailed discussion of cutting-edge fabrication and packaging techniques is provided. Suitable as tutorial for electrical and computer engineering students, or as an up-to-date reference for practicing circuit designers, RF MEMS provides the most comprehensive available survey of this new and important technology.


1. Introduction: RF MEMS for Microwave Application 2. Mechanical Modeling of MEMS Device: Static Analysis 3. Mechanical Modeling of MEMS Device: Dynamic Analysis 4. Electromagnetic Modeling of MEMS Switches 5. MEMS Switch Library 6. MEMS Switch Fabrication and Packaging 7. MEMS Switch Reliability and Power Handling 8. Design of MEMS Switch Cricuits 9. MEMS Phase Shifters 10. Distributed MEMS Phase Shifters and Switches 11. MEMS Varactors and Tunable Oscillators 12. Micromachined Inductors 13. Reconfigurable MEMS Networks, Filters, Antennas, and Subsystems 14. Phase Noise Analysis of MEMS Circuits, Phase Shifters and Oscillators 15. Future Work in RF MEMS

About the Author

Gabriel M. Rebeiz graduated from the California Institute of Technology and is currently a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He leads a research group in RF MEMS and high-speed RF-IC electronics, antennas, and systems and has graduated over 20 Ph.D. students. Professor Rebeiz has been a consultant to Intel, Agilent, DARPA, ESA (European Space Agency), Lockheed Martin, Rockwell, Boeing, Samsung, Hitachi, Takata, and so on. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and has received the IEEE 2000 Microwave Prize for his work on RF MEMS phase shifters, Professor Rebeiz is the 1998 Amoco Professor, given to the best undergraduate teacher at the University of Michigan, and was also elected by the students as the Eta-Kappa-Nu Professor of the Year (1998). He lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. For more than fifty years, this seminal text has been regarded as the single most authoriatative sourcebook on rocket propulsion technology. More comprehensive and coherently organized than any other book on the subject, Rocket Propulsion Element guides readers evenhandedly through the complex factors that shape propulsion, with both theory and practical design considerations.

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