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Reading Habits in the Digital Era
Author(s) :K. Veeranjaneyulu, L. S. Ramaiah, P. Visakhi, Y. Uma Devi

ISBN : 9788178002255
Name : Reading Habits in the Digital Era
Price : Currency 495.00
Author/s : K. Veeranjaneyulu, L. S. Ramaiah
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 233 pages
Year of Publication : 2010
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

This book of essays entitled ‘Reading Habits in the Digital Era’ is brought out in honour of Dr. P. Raghavulu and Dr. G. Sai Prasad who were Dean of Agriculture and Dean of Students Affairs respectively, with additional charge of University Librarian of the ANGRAU. They believed, both in action and theory, Becon’s golden words, ‘Reading maketh a Man’. They themselves were voracious and versatile readers both in print and electronic media. They made their students and scholars regular readers of library documents. They absolutely believed that reading alone that makes people to elevate themselves from bottom to top. The editors of this volume hope that these essays on ‘Reading Habits in the Digital Era’ is a fitting tribute to these professors of eminence.


1. Decline in the Habit of Reading Books 2. Metaphysics of Reading Books 3. Reading Habits and the Internet: Bridging the Gap 4. Nurturing Reading Skills 5. Reading Habits and the Internet 6. Nurturing Reading Habits: Role of library 7. The Future of Reading Habits: Challenges and Developments 8. Reading and Browsing 9. Fast Disappearing Reading Habits 10. Reading Habits in the Information Technology Era and the use of Internet in University Libraries with special reference to University of Hyderabad 11. Using Weblogs to Promote Reading Habits 12. Reading Habits and Internet: Bridging the Gap 13. Internet Reading : A Changing Concept in New Millennium 14. Cultivating Reading Habits among Citizens in the light of Technological Advancements 15. Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviour of Research Scholar in Madras University Library: A Survey 16. Information Gathering Behaviour of Users : With special reference to faculty members of Institute for Excellence in Higher Education (IEHE),Bhupal (MP) 17. Impact of Internet on reading habits 18. Influence of Internet on Distance Learners 19. E-Mail : An Important Tool for the Library 20. Promoting Reading Skills at the Undergraduate Level: A Case Study of Kasturba Gandhi College for Women 21. Role of Information in the Electronic Era 22. Paper Vs Screen : Reading Preferences of Agricultural Information Users in Web Environment 23. Use and Satisfaction of Library Collection, Services, and Facilities in Gudlavalleru Engineering College Library : A User Study 24. E-learning Environment: Challenges and Role of Future Academic Library Professionals 25. Influence of Internet on Changing Perspectives of English 26. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) : An Intensifier of Reading Habits 27. Electronic Resources: Some Common Issues for Librarian 28. Reading Habits of Postgraduate Students : Some Reflections 29. Changing Paradigms of Reading Habits in Internet Era 30. Develop your own Webpage: A Case Study for ASL Library 31. Dr. P. Raghavulu : An Academician of Par Excellence 32. Prof. G. Sai Prasad : A Self Made Man

About the Author

Dr. K. Veeranjaneyulu is the University Librarian at Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad. He has a distinguished academic career to his credit. He was a gold medallist in B.Li.Sc. from S.V. University, Tirupati. He pursued M.Com., M.Li.Sc., BGL., and Ph.D., from the same University. He also possesses PGDLAN and a Diploma in Software applications. He assumed editorial responsibility to many professional journals, and has 95 articles published to his credit. He has attended and contributed papers at many conferences and seminars. He is a life member of ILA, IATLIS, IASLIC, AALDI, FIC, APLA and ALSD. Prof. L.S. Ramaiah is one of the Senior LIS Professional in the country. He studied at the Banarus Hindu University, Osmania University and the National Archives of India. He was a Gold Medalist from the Osmania University. He is the best Librarian Awardee from the IASLIC and the P.S. Telugu University. He was recipient of the Martenson Fellowship from the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. He was member of the UGC Library panel, member of the Executive Committee of the RRRLF. He was a member of Executives of the ILA and IASLIC for one term each. He had written and edited 35 books and contributed about 95 articles. Dr (Mrs ) Visakhi is a Librarian of ICAR, New Delhi and also IASRI New Delhi with dual charge. She holds Ph.D, M.Li.Sc. and M.Sc. She has published/presented 33 articles in different Journals and Conferences. She is having more than 15 Years of experience in Library Science and in automation too. Guided 07 M.Li.Sc students, 2 M.Phil, 2 PGDLAN and 6 MSc Computer Science students. She has played very key role in revamping, automation , digitizing and website development of IASRI Library as well as ICAR Library, Krishi Bhavan. She is a Life member of many Professional Bodies and presently working as General Secretary of “Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists of India (AALDI) and Editor of IJALIS. She has been awarded with the “ Young Information Scientist 2006 “ by Society for Information Science (SIS) for outstanding contribution to the Profession in 2007. Ms. Y. Uma Devi, M. Sc., M.Li.Sc., presently Assistant Librarian, Central Library, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad and member of various professional associations. She has published several papers in various professional journals.

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