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Environmental Science : A Practical Manual
Author(s) :G. Swarajya Lakshmi, Prabhu Prasadini P, Ramesh Thatikunta, Tayaru V N L V

ISBN : 9788178002286
Name : Environmental Science : A Practical Manual
Price : Currency 225.00
Author/s : G. Swarajya Lakshmi, Prabhu Prasadini P
Type : Text Book
Pages : 146
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2020
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

Rapid strides have been made in the field of industry in India. The net contribution from industry has been increasing over time vis a vis agriculture. With the improvement brought about in the standard of living and life styles of the country's population, concerns have been expressed about the mounting pollution and the consequent environmental degradation. Hence, a close monitoring is required on the imminent threats posed to the environment. In this direction the present practical manual is oriented for Undergraduate students, towards learning by doing concept in the areas of soil, water, air, noise pollution and in developing indices on plant under stressed conditions. We hope that the practical manual being the first of its kind would be a forerunner to take up similar activity for students and bring about awareness among the citizens in the forthcoming years by the University Grants Commission which had already prescribed a common syllabus for all the degree programmes of the country.


1. Collection, Processing and Storage of Effluent Samples 2. Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand in Waste Water Sample 3. Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Waste Water Sample 4. Determination of Total Dissolved Solids in Waste Water Sample 5. Analysis of Total Hardness of Waste Water Sample 6. Analysis of Temporary Hardness of Waste Water Sample 7. Analysis of Waste Water/Sludge for Heavy Metals 8. Determination of Sound Level by using Sound Level Meter 9. Estimation of Species Abundance of Plants 10. Estimation of Non-Respirable Dust in Air by using Dust Sampler 11. Estimation of Respirable Dust in Air by using Dust Sampler 12. Study of Transpiration and Water Balance in Plants 13. Assessment of Chlorophyll Content in Plants 14. Visit to In situ or Ex situ Conservation Centre/ Social Service Organization/ Environmental Education Centre 15. Information and Communication Technology in Environmental Science 16. Visit to Local Polluted Site -Observations and Remedial Measures

About the Author

G. Swarajya Lakshmi has wide experience in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses with skills in analytical techniques in research. Undergone training in University of California, Davis on problem soils and their management. Awarded doctoral degree form TNAU, Coimbatore. P. Prabhu Prasadini is a Soil Physicist and is knowledgeable in soil physical properties and maintenance of soil health. Undergone training in the field of Environmental Science/Soil Physics in Italy. Co-authored a book published by the Lambert and Lap international, Germany. Obtained doctoral degree from IARI, New Delhi. Teaches environmental science subjects to undergraduate and post graduate students in ANGRAU. Ramesh Thatikunta is a Plant Physiologist and works on the metabolism of plants under stress. Awarded a doctoral degree from IARI, New Delhi. Presented research findings in the annual meeting of American Society of Agronomists in Denver, USA. Teaches environmental science subjects and ecophysiological aspects to undergraduate and post graduate students. V.N.L.V. Tayaru obtained her master's degree in Environmental Biotechnology from JNTU, Hyderabad. Specialized in microbial biotechnology, monitoring and assessment of environmental pollution. Teaches Environmental Science to undergraduate students.

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