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Essentials of Pharmaceutical Engineering
Author(s) :Deeliprao Derle, Mrudula Bele

ISBN : 9788188449965
Name : Essentials of Pharmaceutical Engineering
Price : Currency 425.00
Author/s : Deeliprao Derle, Mrudula Bele
Type : Text Book
Pages : 316
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2022
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

This book mainly aims in guiding the teachers and students, the fundamental principles of Pharmaceutical Engineering. This book helps the students in overcoming the obstacles faced by them in understanding the aspects of Pharmaceutical Engineering. Topics, which usually confuse the students, are explained along with applications to broaden their mental horizon regarding the subject. This book is meant to serve as an introductory text for undergraduate students doing Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (B. Pharm). It will also prove useful to people working in pharmaceutical and allied industries. In keeping with its initiatory approach to pharmaceutical engineering, only the important aspects of the subject have been discussed in a simple and easily comprehensible manner.


1. Stoichiometry 2. Flow of Fluids 3. Material Handling Systems 4. Filtration and Centrifugation 5. Crystallization 6. Dehumidification and Humidity Control 7. Materials of Construction 8. Corrosion 9. Industrial Hazards and Safety Precautions 10. Heat Transfer 11. Evaporation 12. Distillation 13. Drying 14. Size Reduction 15. Mixing 16. Automated Process Control Systems 17. Extraction

About the Author

Deeliprao Derle has obtained his B. Pharm. and M. Pharm. (Pharmaceutics) and Ph. D. (Pharmaceutics) degrees from University of Pune, Pune. He is working in NDMVP's, College of Pharmacy, Nasik. His academic career spans over twenty years. He has guided many M. Pharm. and Ph. D. research students and has more than 80 papers, presentations and publications. He has authored many pharmacy books. He has presented many research papers in international conferences held at Bangkok, Thailand, Singapore, and Tokyo, Japan. His current area of research includes formulation development, complexations, microencapsulations and controlled drug delivery dosage forms, etc. He is Academic Council Member of University of Pune, Pune and Faculty Member of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Pune, Pune. Mrudula Bele has obtained B. Pharm and M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics) degrees from University of Pune, Pune. She is lecturer in Pharmaceutics in NDMVP's, College of Pharmacy, Nasik. She has a teaching experience of about eight years. Her current areas of research include pharmaceutical excipients and their compatibility studies and controlled drug delivery.

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