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Book Details
Basic Electronics Engineering
Author(s) :K. Lal Kishore

ISBN : 9788178002446
Name : Basic Electronics Engineering
Price : Currency 250.00
Author/s : K. Lal Kishore
Type : Text Book
Pages : 491
Year of Publication : 2010
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Books

This course is the basic foundation course to understand the principles of Electronic Devices and Basic Circuits. Though number of books are published in this area, there is need for a book which explains clearly the principles and is helpful to students as well as teachers. Though many students of electronic engineering go through this course, still many students somehow fail to appreciate the essence of the subject.

              The book is written in a simple lucid language along with derivation of equations and supported by numerous solved problems.

Salient Features

· Specifications of different devices, colour codes, typical values of resistor and capacitors, circuit symbols, unit conversion factors are provided

· Objective Type Questions and Conceptual Questions with Answers are provided at the end of each chapter



1. Junction Diode Characteristics

2. Rectifiers, Filters and Regulators

3. Transistor Characteristics

4. Transistor Biasing and Stabilization

5. Field Effect Transistors (FETs)

6. Amplifiers and Oscillators

7. Feedback Amplifiers

8. Oscillators

About the Authors

Prof. K. Lal Kishore has post graduate and Ph.D degrees from Indian Institute of Science (I.I.Sc) Bangalore. He is a senior professor in Electronics and Communications Engg. Department of JNTUH University, Hyderabad, and is presently Director R & D.  He has over 33 years experience in teaching and research. He has more than 114 research publications to his credit so far.  He has produced six Ph.Ds so far and many more research scholars are working under his guidance.

            He has won First Bapu Seetharam Memorial Award and S.V. Aiya Memorial award from IETE for research contribution, Best Teacher award from Govt. of A.P and many more national level awards. He has implemented number of research projects and developed many laboratories in the department.

            The other books authored by him are Electronic Circuit analysis and Electronic Devices and Circuits published by BS Publications, Hyderabad.

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