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Minor Forest Produce used in Pharmaceutical and other Industries
Author(s) :T. Krishna Murthy

ISBN : 9788188449842
Name : Minor Forest Produce used in Pharmaceutical and other Industries
Price : Currency 1795.00
Author/s : T. Krishna Murthy
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 373
Year of Publication : 2010
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book:

The book is first of its kind to cover comprehensive treasure of information on a wide variety of forest products i.e. medicinal plants, essential oils, spices, condiments and savoury plants, edible oil plants, gums, resins and oleoresins, fatty oils, tanning materials, natural organic colouring materials, katha and cutch.

            Besides dealing with general importance, occurrence, extraction, processing, storage and uses of the products, group-wise, the book gives a list in alphabetical order of the more important product yielding plants with their botanical, English and local names, their rough distribution, in the country, their agro-silvicultural practices, exploitation, processing and utilisation of more important species under each group. The book is profoundly illustrated with coloured images.

This book is useful to :

· Pharmaceutical and other industries so far as proper exploitation, production, harvesting and utilisation

· Growers, processing and marketing agencies

· Students of pharmacy and Biotechnology


PART – I 1. Introduction, 2. Collection Methods and Marketing of Minor Forest Produce, 3. Prospects of Development, PART – II 4. Medicinal Plants: Growth of Knowledge of Medical in Plants, Chemical Constituents, Collection, Medicinal Plants, 5. Essential Oils: Introduction, Extraction of Oil, Storage, Uses, Essentials Oil Yielding Plants, 6. Spices, Condiments and Savory Plants, 7. Edible Wild Plants: Mushrooms, Food Value, Picking of Mushrooms, Other Edible Wild Plants, 8. Gums, Resins and Oleoresins: Section – I Gums, Section – II Resins and Oleoresins, 9. Fatty Oils: Nature of Oils, Occurrence of Oils, Collection and Processing of Seeds, Extraction and Processing of Oils, Uses, Fatty Oil Yielding Plants, 10. Tanning Materials: Nature and Kinds of Tannins, Occurrence of Tannins in Plants, The Function of Tannins in the Life of Plants, Collection of Tanning Materials, Extraction of Tannin, Short Description of the Process, Tannin Content, Adulteration, Uses of Tannins, Supply and Demand, Tannin Yielding Plants, 11. Natural Organic Colouring Materials: Natural Organic Colour Yielding Plants, 12. Sources of Katha and Cutch

About the Author:  

Shri T. Krishnamurthy I.F.S (Retd.) obtained his M.Sc degree in Botany from Osmania University, Hyderabad and in 1953 he was awarded the AIFC diploma from Forest Research Institute and colleges, Dehra Dun. He had also postgraduate training in Forestry at Oxford.

            Shri Krishnamurthy has served the A. P. Forest Department in various capacities, and contributed to the development and utilization of forests and their products. He retired as Principal Chief Conservator of Forests in 1986. During his long career, he has also served on deputation in the Forest Research Institute as M.F.P. Officer, and Officer-in-Charge, M.F.P. Division for nearly 10 years.

            He has published about 35 research and technical papers in reputed journals, and is the author of “Minor Forest Products of India”.

            He had the credit of surving as Hony. Treasurer of the Society of Indian Foresters during his stint at FRI, Dehra Dun. The Society of Indian Foresters placed on record its appreciation of Shri T. Krishnamurthy, for his ‘Lifetime Contribution’ to the cause of forestry in the country. After his retirement, Shri Krishnamurthy continues with his professional pursuits, and is frequently called upon by National and International agencies to advice upon forestry and plantation matters. He has participated in the preparation of World Bank Forestry Project Report for A.P. He has reviewed UNDP and R.F.W.P programmes. He was adviser to TRIFED Ministry of Welfare, Government of India.
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