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Global Climatic Changes & Weather Modification Technologies
Author(s) :I V Murali Krishna, Valli Manickam

ISBN : 9788178001845
Name : Global Climatic Changes & Weather Modification Technologies
Price : Currency 1995.00
Author/s : I V Murali Krishna, Valli Manickam
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 706
Year of Publication : 2009
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book:

 Weather Modification (Cloud Seeding) is a technology, which helps in disaster management. The technology of weather modification is being developed in different countries.  The book addresses issues related to inadequacy of knowledge on state of art of the technology, incomplete framework for design, planning and analysis of experiment and implementation and institutional constraints.  The chapters are designed so as to provide the basic issues related to climate and the context for cloud seeding, the technologies and or tools needed for weather modification. The planning, design, execution and evaluation are also included in the book.

            While we are to be modest, it is brought to the notice of the reader that this book attempts to provide a wide coverage of the topics related to cloud seeding. The extent of coverage of each topic varies depending upon the state of art of the development. As you read the pages of the publication meant for student, research worker or a practicing cloud seeding professional, you will discover that the issues shall refresh and give ideas and techniques to understand and improve the operations of cloud seeding.


 1. Earth Systems – An Introduction, 2. Climate Changes – Issues and Concers, 3. Chemsitry of Climate Change, 4. Climate Change Mitigation – Tools and Techniques, 5. Land Use Dynamics for Change Detection, 6. Weather, 7. Aerosols and Precipitation, 8. Air Pollution, 9. Radar Technology, 10. Aviation Technologies, 11. Spatial Information Technologies, 12. Numerical Modeling, 13. Statistical Techniques, 14. Concepts of Weather Modification, 15. Seeding Materials and Methods, 16. Operational Cloud Seeding in India, 17. Appraisal of Operational Cloud Seeding

About the Author:

 I.V. Murali Krishna, M.Tech, PhD, FIE, FIS, MIEEE, FAPASc, Professor and Director, JNTU Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. Before this he held many prestigious positions at JNTU as Director (Research and Development), Professor and Head Centre for Spatial IT. Prior to joining JNTU he was Scientist, SF and Head Marine Applications division at NRSA, Department of Space, GOI.

            He has obtained his M.Tech from IIT Chennai and Ph.D. from IISc, Bangalore. He is the Principal Investigator and Project Director, AP Cloud Seeding Project during 2006, 2007 and 2008 Government of AP and Investigator Cloud Seeding Project 2005. He has executed various projects for a number of government agencies. He has guided 23 PhDs and carried out more than 36 sponsored and consultancy projects.  He also conceived and implemented ICORG series and organized 6 International Conferences and several Workshops and Training programs. He is the founder editor of “Technology Spectrum” a peer reviewed journal and geospatial Today magazine.

Dr. Valli Manickam M.Sc., M.Phil, MCA, Ph.D is presently Associate Professor, Environment Area, Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad.  Before taking up this position, she worked at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, at Centre for Atmospheric Sciences and Weather Modification.

            Dr. Valli Manickam has coauthored three books in the field of environment.  She has published/presented nine papers in various international conferences and journals and organized three international conferences and two workshops apart from conducting a number of training programs.
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