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Essentials of Experimental Pharmacology: General Concepts
Author(s) :Sunil B Bothra

ISBN : 9788188449903
Name : Essentials of Experimental Pharmacology: General Concepts
Price : Currency 395.00
Volume : Volume 1
Author/s : Sunil B Bothra
Type : Text Book
Pages : 234
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

The Pharmacology, being a subject involving drugs needs precision, perfection and application. Therefore meticulous planning is required. This book emphasizes on various facets- the experimenter should know before actual start of experiment. It introduces to regulatory aspects– CPCSEA, IAEC and part B to be submitted. The knowledge of basic pharmacological concepts, making PSS, drug solution making and dilutions are important for beginners. The world and CPCSEA are stressing for Humane Approach in use of experimental animals and worthwhile to go through the same. Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) or simulation is one of the best ways to explain experiments in reinforcing manner in addition to following humane approach. Experimentation demands several skills before actual experiments and description + pictures can help in learning necessary techniques. Same is the importance of instruments and knowledge of instruments and their operations prior to study always pay off. The knowledge about bioassay is must. The new approach is applied for explaining biostatistics i.e. performing calculations using softwares. Most of the text information is supported with pictures / diagrams to make it easy for understanding. Once the basic is learned well the experimenter can move to actual experiments and accordingly forthcoming volumes will be devoted to in vivo and in vitro experiments.


1. Introduction, 2. Understanding Basics, 3. Common Agonists and Antagonists, 4. Regulatory Requirements in Experimental Pharmacology, 5. Experimental Animals, 6. Techniques for Animal Experiments- Handling, Drug Administration and other Important Techniques, 7. Humane Approaches in Pharmacology Experiments, 8. Computer Assisted Learning, 9. Bioassays, 10. Instrumentation in Experimental Pharmacology, 11. Data Analyses and Use of Computers

About the Author

Sunil Bothara is having more than 17 years of experience in Academics and Industry, out of which 12 years at administrative level like Professor, HOD, In-charge Principal and Principal. He contributed to University administration as Chairman, Board of Studies; Member, Academic Council of North Maharashtra University and presently is member of Board of Studies and Steering committee for Pharmacy at Saurashtra University, Rajkot. He completed his UG and PG from highly reputed NDMVPs College of Pharmacy, Nasik and Ph.D from illustrious Pharmacy Department, The M S University of Baroda. He handled several sophisticated instruments like Biopac- physiograph, UgoBasile- Plethysmometer and Physiograph, Panlab- NIBP, microplate reader, ventilator for open heart work etc., apart from other instruments. He has guided few students for PG and few students are registered under him for their Ph.D. He has several publications to his credit in National and International Journals. He had delivered many invited talks in AICTE, UGC funded Staff Development programmes and co-ordinated few workshops, symposia and Seminars.
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