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Drug Disposition and Pharmacokinetics with a Consideration of Pharmacological and Clinical Relationships
Author(s) :Stephen H Curry

ISBN : 9788188449583
Name : Drug Disposition and Pharmacokinetics with a Consideration of Pharmacological and Clinical Relationships
Price : Currency 495.00
Edition : 3rd Edition
Author/s : Stephen H Curry
Type : Text Book
Pages : 330
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2020
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

The substantial changes in this book reflect the many significant advances that have been made since publication of the second edition only three years ago. It therefore provides a greater understanding of the specific biological factors affecting pharmacokinetic processes of drug toxicity, and the practical uses of pharmacokinetic knowledge. The book remains a highly readable and informative account of the subject which greatly help students and postgraduates of pharmacy and pharmacology to develop a rational approach to the investigation and application of drugs.

Salient Features

· Emphasis is given to recent studies on age, genetics and disease.

· Rearranged the book with new material and the size has grown accordingly.


‘...It is a pleasure, therefore, to welcome the second edition of this book that has tablished itself as a standard reference on the subject...this is an important book for students of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, and also good value for money.’ The Pharmaceutical Journal (on the Second Edition)


1. Chemical introduction: Drug sources, Drug classification and chemical properties of drugs, 2. Disposition and Fate, 3. Binding to Plasma proteins, 4. Drug Concentrations in blood and blood fractions, 5. Factors affecting plasma concentrations, 6. Bioavailability, 7. Developmental Pharmacology and age-related drug phenomena, 8. Pharmacogenetics, 9. Effects of disease on quantitative pharmacology, 10. Elementary Pharmacokinetics, 11. Quantitative evaluation of urinary excretion, 12. Drug interactions, 13. Quantitative Pharmacological relationships, 14. Drug monitoring in therapeutics, 15. Drug toxicity

About the Author

Professor Stephen Curry has over 40 years experience of academia and of the pharmaceutical industry.  He has directed departments, projects and programs in London and Florida, and in Rochester NY, where he is currently Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of Rochester. He is President of his own consulting company, Stephen H. Curry Consulting. He was a founding Partner of PharmaNova, a Rochester company dedicated to the discovery of novel non-hormonal treatments for menopausal symptoms, using existing neurologically-active drugs, and was also at one time President of Nanolution. He holds the Doctor of Science Degree from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of London, and an honorary D.Sc. from DeMontfort University, and is a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 

            He is the author or co-author of over 200 scientific publications and/or books, in the general area of Pharmaceutics (Dosage Form Design), Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Pharmacology.
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