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OTC Medications
Author(s) :Kamal Dua, Vijay Kumar Sharma, Kavita Pabreja

ISBN : 9788178002613
Name : OTC Medications
Price : Currency 195.00
Author/s : Kamal Dua, Vijay Kumar Sharma
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 100
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

“OTC Medication” essentially encompasses the salient features of OTC products or alternatively the self medication concept particularly in the changing global scenario. In this book efforts have been made to present simple and concise material on the recent aspects of over the counter products keeping in view the pharmacy professionals, patients and all others intending to grasp the subject knowledge in the concerned area.

            This book also suits to and caters the needs of medico legal professionals including physicians, nurses and may serve as text book of pharmacy and medical students of various universities as the selected topic.

            The present book has been broadly divided into four units namely basics and concept, OTC medication in special cases, pharmacists: an indispensable safety reservoir for OTCs and OTC medications: recent development.

Salient Features

·          Every unit has been sub divided in various sections and sub-sections.

·          Comprises the legal aspects and the future prospects of OTC medication

Particular emphasis has been laid down in explaining the terms and topics in simple language


Unit I: Basics and Concept, 1-A  Introduction, 1-B Safety Considerations, Unit II: OTC Medication in Special Cases Vital Considerations, 2-A OTC Medications for Pediatrics, 2-B OTC Medication for Geriatrics,  2-C OTC Medications in Pregnancy, 2-D OTC Medications for Breast Feeding Mothers, Unit III: Pharmacist: an Indispensable Safety, Reservoir for OTCs, Unit IV: OTC Medications: Recent Developments

About the Authors

Kamal Dua, M. Pharm., PhD. (Pharmaceutics) have 7 years of experience in both teaching and Industry. At the post graduate level, he received Sri. K. Sri Harsha Memorial Gold Medal for obtaining 1st rank. There are more than 50 research/ review articles in the international and national journals of repute to his credit. He is also having more than 40 presentations in various international and national conferences. He has research interest in the field of solubility enhancement and topical drug delivery systems.

Vijay Kumar Sharma, M. Pharm. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) have a blend of 17 years of experience in teaching and Industry. He has authored more than 70 research/ review articles in the international and national journals of repute. He has also participated and presented his work in various international and national conferences. He is strong enough to design and implement research as well as teaching strategies in an innovative and result oriented. His area of interest include drug design strategies to develop safer and therapeutically more effective drugs. He is a Life member of APTI.

Kavita Pabreja, M. Pharm., (Pharmacology) have 2.5 years of experience in teaching. At the graduate level, she is the recipient of Gold Medal for obtaining 1st rank in the University. There are more than 10 research/ review articles in the international and national journals of repute to her credit. She also presented 10 papers in various international and national conferences.
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