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Applied Finite Element Analysis
Author(s) :Larry J. Segerlind

ISBN : 9788126528806
Name : Applied Finite Element Analysis
Price : Currency 1795.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : Larry J. Segerlind
Type : Text Book
Pages : 427
Year of Publication : Rpt.2011
Publisher : John Willey/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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Part-I Basic Concepts 1. Introduction 2. One-Dimensional Linear Element 3. A Finite Element Example 4. Element Matrices: Galerkin Formulation 5. Two –Dimensional Elements 6. Coordinate Systems Part-II Field Problems 7. Two-Dimensional Field Equation 8. Torsion of Non Circular Sections 9. Derivative Boundary Conditions: Point Sources and Sinks 10. Irrotational Flow 11. Heat Transfer By Conduction and Convection 12. Acoustical Vibrations 13. Axisymmetric Field Problems 14. Time Dependent Field Problems: Theoretical Considerations 15. Time Dependent Field Problems: Practical Considerations 16. Computer Program for Two-Dimensional Field Problems Part-III Structural and Solid Mechanics 17. The Axial Force Member 18. Element Matrices: Potential Energy Formulations 19. The Truss Element 20. A Beam Element 21. A Plane Frame Element 22. Theory of Elasticity 23. Two-Dimensional Elasticity 24. Axisymmetric Elasticity 25. Computer Programs for Structural and Solid Mechanics Part-IV Linear and Quadratic Elements 26. Element Shape Functions 27. Element Matrices 28. Iso Parametric Computer Programs
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