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Modern Toxicology: Basis of Organ and Reproduction Toxicity
Author(s) :P. K. Gupta

ISBN : 9788191019209
Name : Modern Toxicology: Basis of Organ and Reproduction Toxicity
Price : Currency 3495.00
Volume : 3 volume sets
Author/s : P. K. Gupta
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 460
Year of Publication : 2010
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

An Authoritative and Comprehensive Resource for Toxicology: The 3-volume set of Modern Toxicology is the first complete reference written specifically for students having interest in toxicology bringing together all aspects of modern toxicology. It provides an advanced text covering the basic and clinical principals of organ and reproduction toxicology, adverse effects of xenobiotics, and immuno-toxicology and clinical aspects of a wide range of poisons and poisonings in animals and humans beings. Thus these volumes are intended to give a better understanding for use in formal courses in the graduate programs in toxicology or self-study by those individuals who wish to be accredited by various organizations concerned with toxicology who are required to have a multi-disciplinary knowledge in areas like environmental health, clinical and forensic toxicology (detection of intentional or unintentional toxic substances) or in industry (assessment of hazards of new compounds), government agencies, in private commercial laboratories; in material science toxicology (biomedical and engineering disciplines), as educators (courses in pharmacy, medicine, dentistry, agricultural, and veterinary practice); and finally for collection, storing, and retrieving toxicology information.

In brief this set represents the collective wisdom of several internationally known toxicologists, and offers a unique text/reference source for those involved in various specialized sections of toxicology. Contributing authors for chapters of the 3 volume set are the most qualified and well- experienced authorities in their respective areas of toxicology.

Salient Features

·          Chapters are fully illustrated and extensively referenced

·          Language is simple to follow and format is designed to easily understand

·          Represents the collective expertise of several internationally known toxicologists

·          Offers a unique text/reference source for those involved in various specialized sections of toxicology

·          Useful to those who involved in biomedical areas and Agriculture, Food Technology, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine and related disciplines

  • Also Biologists, Pathologists, Ecologists and Environmentalists will find this volume as useful reference book



1. Introduction and Brief History, 2. Natural Laws Concerning Toxicology, 3. Absorption, Distribution and Excretion of Xenobiotics, 4. Biotransformation of Xnobiot1cs, 5. Inetic analysis of Xenobiotics, 6. Behavioral and Neurotoxicity, 7. Hepatic Toxicity, 8. Pulmonary Toxicology, 9. Reproduction Toxicity and Teratogenicity, 10. Carcinogenicity and Mutagenicity


1. Pesticides, 2. Metal Toxicity, 3. Food Additives: A Benefit/ Risk Dilemma, 4. Animal And Plant Toxins, 5. Mycotoxins, 6. Combustion Toxicology, 7. Toxicology Of Synthetec Biomaterials, 8. Environmental Toxicology


1. Immune System, 2. Hypersensitivity And Occupational Allergens, 3. Immuno-Suppression, 4. Principles Of Non-Specific Therapy, 5. Mechanism Of Antidotal Therapy, 6. Common Poisons

About the Authors

P K Gupta, Ph D is Director, Toxicology Consulting Services, and Patron and Founder of Society of Toxicology, Founder President of Academy of Sciences for Animal Welfare, Founding Editor-in-Chief of a scientific Journal “Toxicology International”.  Formerly he has held several key positions including Professor and Head of the Division of Pharmacology & Toxicology, IVRI, Bareilly, Advisor to WHO (Geneva). He has more than 45 years teaching and research experience (including 28 years as University Professor).  He is author of 7 books, about 45 book chapters (including Elsevier/Academic Press, John Willey) and over 540 Scientific publications in National and International peer reviewed Journals of repute (areas of interest include residues of pesticides, environmental chemicals, safety evaluation and safe use of drugs, indigenous medicine and mechanism of action of chemicals).
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