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Book Details
Cellular and Mobile Communications
Author(s) :G. Radha Krishna

ISBN : 9788178002460
Name : Cellular and Mobile Communications
Price : Currency 210.00
Author/s : G. Radha Krishna
Type : Text Book
Pages : 346
Year of Publication : 2010
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

As the number of cellular subscribers increase, the interference that will be experienced by the systems will also increase manifold, whereby large cellular systems will have to handle interference problems. Hence, in future, there will be lot of opportunities for research and to develop newer applications.

                       The chapters in this book cover introduction to wireless mobile communication, various aspects of cellular systems, and future aspects of Cellular communication. The book is a basic textbook that supports further exploration in the new field of cellular communications and may be considered a handbook or building block for further research.

Salient Features:

     ·    The book is self-explanatory to a large extent and also serves as a convenient reference for engineers working in the Cellular Communications field.

            ·           Arrangement of topics is flexible so that an instructor may conveniently select the several topics to suit a one semester course.


1. Introduction to Wireless Mobile Communication Systems

2. Cellular Mobile Radio Systems

3. Elements of Cellular Radio System Design

4. Interference

5. Cell Coverage for Signal and Traffic

6. Cell site and Mobile Antennas

7. Frequency Management and Channel Assignment

8. Value of Implementing Handoffs

9. Digital Cellular Networks

10. Third Generation Technology  (3G Technology)

About the Author

Prof. Radha Krishna, M.E.(Microwaves) has 30 years of R & D and industrial experience in DLRL and HAL, Hyderabad. During his teaching career he worked as Professor & Head of ECE and then as Principal in various Engineering Colleges. Presently he is working as a Senior Professor and Head of ECE Dept. in Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.

            He taught Radar Engineering, Satellite Communications, Optical Communications and Antennas & Wave propagation, Microwaves and Cellular & Mobile Communications.

            He is a Fellow of Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers; Fellow of Institutions of Engineers (India); Life Member of Hyderabad Management Association and Life Member of Aeronautical Society of India.

            Prof. Radha Krishna has written number of articles on Semiconductor Devices and a paper on Inductor–less RC Filters in the journal of IETE. He has already authored three books on Radar Engineering & Systems and on Optical Communications. He authored a book on “Microwave Engineering” published by BS Publications, Hyderabad.
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