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Textbook of Digital Image Processing
Author(s) :M. Anji Reddy, Y. Hari Shankar

ISBN : 9788178001227
Name : Textbook of Digital Image Processing
Price : Currency 325.00
Author/s : M. Anji Reddy, Y. Hari Shankar
Type : Text Book
Pages : 292
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2013
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

This book is an attempt to present the advances in digital image processing and analysis in the form of a textbook for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.


· Provides introduction to imaging technology and digital image processes to manipulate and analyze digital image data

· Statistical and frequency domain transformations described in detail

· A separate chapter focusing on segmentation and edge detection, filtering, enhancement and restoration processes for image analysis is also covered in detail

· Morphological and other area operations useful to understand the form and structure of an object is dealt

· Methods of image compression, coding the image data into a compact form, distortion caused by compression are discussed

· Pattern recognition techniques which help in finding the objects in real world from an image is elaborated

· Introduction to most acceptable image processing software like MATLAB, ERDAS and EASI / PACE are provided


1. Introduction to imaging technology, 2. Basic digital image processing, 3. Segmentation and edge detection, 4. Morphological and other area operations, 5. Image compression (image coding), 6. Pattern recognition (object recognition), 7. Digital image processing – soft wares

About the Authors

M. Anji Reddy is presently working as Director, Institute of Science of Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad.  He received his Ph.D. in Remote Sensing from JNTU and M.Tech. in Surveying, Photogrammetry Engineering from IIT, Kanpur. He has more than 17 years of experience in environmental geoinformatics and digital image processing. He published more than 72 research papers in national and international journals.  He has authored two books “Textbook of Remote Sensing and GIS” and “Geoinformatics for Environmental Management”.

Y. Hari Shankar is a M.Tech in Geoinformatics from JNTU. He has been teaching Digital Image Processing and Computer Programming to B.Tech and M.Tech students for the past three years. His areas of interest include Satellite Image Processing and Software Development.
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