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Management of E-Resources in Academic Libraries
Editor(s) :M. Koteswara Rao, K. Veeranjeneyulu, C. K. Ramiah, G. Sujatha

ISBN : 9788178001715
Name : Management of E-Resources in Academic Libraries
Price : Currency 495.00
Editor/s : M. Koteswara Rao, K. Veeranjeneyulu
Type : Text Book
Pages : 271
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

The book is a Festschrift volume brought out in the honour of Prof. B. Satyanarayana, University Librarian (Retd) of the Jawarharlal Nehru University, Hyderabad. There are 23 articles on the management of e-resources in academic libraries. Libraries in general have become virtual libraries. E-resources became important in the context of information explosion and information technology. The Internet facilitates libraries and scholars to have access to huge information both structural and unstructural. Information flow has become the life blood for the development of nations and individuals. The articles in this volume are contributed by senior library professionals. The book is useful to LIS students and practicing LIS professionals.


1. Metamorphosis of Indian Libraries from the Traditional to the Digital Mode: A prospective, 2. Evaluation of Teachers: A Critical Examination, 3. Changing Faces of Rural Library Networks in India, 4. E-journals: Towards A New Model of Academic Publishing, 5. The Role of Online Exhibitions for Disseminating Cultural and Heritage Information, 6. Recent Technology Trends in Academic Library System: Issues and Challenges, 7. Patents as a Unique Sources of Scientific and Technical Information, 8. Emerging Technologies in Developing Digital Library, 9. Consortium for E-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA ) A Boon to Agricultural Information System, 10. Reorientation of Teaching and Learning Methods with Changing Global Needs of Tomorrow, 11. Learning How to Learn: Information Literacy in Academic Libraries, 12. E-Collection Development in Academic Libraries, 13. Collection Development in Digital ERA, 14. Application of RFID Technology in Academic Libraries, 15. Library Personnel in Higher Education in New Environment, 16. E-learning: Role of Library Professionals in Academic Libraries, 17. The web: Emerging Tools for Library Services, 18. Use and Evaluation of Library Software Packages in Management Libraries in Delhi: A Case Study, 19. Value Development in Library, 20. Knowledge Management in University Libraries, 21. Library 2.0: Taking it To Users’ Door Step, 22. Electronic Resources Management in Libraries, 23. Prof. Bandla Satyanarayana: A Knowledge Entrepreneur of Par Excellence

About the Editors

M. Koteswara Rao joined the University of Hyderabad in April 2006 as University Librarian, Indira Gandhi memorial Library. Prior to this, Dr. Koteswara Rao worked as Deputy Librarian at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai from May 1991 to April 2006. Prior to this he worked at the United Nations Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology, Bangalore from 1980 to 1991. He holds a Masters degree in Zoology and a Bachelors Degree in Library Science from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. He is a recipient of the Associateship in Documentation and Information Science from the DRTC, ISI, Bangalore, and later a Ph. D from the University of Madras, Chennai. He has more than 18 journal articles/papers published in various journals and conference proceedings. He had participated in various National and International seminars and workshops and organized several training programmes to library staff. He visited Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and China. He is a member of professional associations like - ILA, IASLIC, MALA, KALA & ALSD.

K. Veeranjaneyulu is the University Librarian at Acahrya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad. He has a distinguished academic career to his credit. He was a gold medallist in BLISc. from S.V. University, Tirupati. He pursued M.Com., MLISc., BGL., and Ph.D., from the same University. He also possesses PGDLAN and a Diploma in Software applications. He assumed editorial responsibility to many professional journals, and has 82 articles published to his credit. He has attended and contributed papers at many conferences and seminars. He is a life member of ILA, IATLIS, IASLIC, AALDI, FIC, APLA and ALSD.

Chennupati K. Ramaiah is working as Professor and Head at Central Library, Muffakham Jah College of Engineering & Technology (MJCET), Hyderabad. Before joining MJCET, Dr Ramaiah worked as Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore for six years. He had also been Deputy Director at Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre (DESIDOC). He was a Commonwealth Scholar for Ph.D. in Information Science in 1989. His formal education includes Masters degrees in Chemistry and in Library and Information Science, and Ph.D. in Information Science from the UK. He is member of many international professional bodies/societies such as the Institute of Information Scientists, ALA, ASIST, and ACM.

G. Sujatha, M.A., M.L.I.Sc., Ph.D., Fulbright Scholar, presently Associate Professor & In-charge, University Library, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad, India.  Received gold medal for Ph.D. thesis.  Member of various professional associations; visited several countries; presented papers in conferences and seminars. Editor-in-Chief of the Pearl – A Journal of Library & Information Science.
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