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Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry
Author(s) :Kaza Somasekhara Rao, Chennupati venkata Suresh

ISBN : 9788178002620
Name : Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry
Price : Currency 795.00
Author/s : Kaza Somasekhara Rao, Chennupati venkata Suresh
Type : Text Book
Pages : 540
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

"Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry" is the ultimate guide for Pharmacy and Chemistry students seeking a comprehensive understanding of the subject. This book covers both the theoretical principles and practical applications of Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry, making it an invaluable resource for those studying in Indian Universities. 

Delving into every inorganic compound, the book provides detailed discussions on definitions, preparation methods, identity tests, purity tests, assay methods, and the various uses of each compound. No stone is left unturned, ensuring that readers have a thorough understanding of the subject matter. 

In addition to its extensive theoretical coverage, "Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry" also includes a practical manual, offering practical techniques such as qualitative and quantitative analysis, limit tests, and preparation methods. This hands-on approach enhances the reader's understanding and provides valuable insights into real-life applications. 

"Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry" is the go-to reference that will help you navigate the complexities of the subject. With its comprehensive coverage, this book is designed to meet the needs of Indian Universities and provide a solid foundation for success in the field.


Part – I Theoretical Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry

1. Introduction 2. Atomic and Molecular Structure/Complexes 3. Solutions 4. Treatment of Analytical Data 5. Principles of Quantitative Analysis (Volumetric and Gravimetric Analysis) 6. Pharmaceutical Aids 7. Impurities in Pharmaceutical and their Limit Tests 8. Major Intracellular and Extracellular Electrolytes 9. Gastro intestinal Agents 10. Dental Products 11. Topical Agents 12. Essential Trace Ions 13. Gases and Vapours 14. Radiopharmaceuticals 15. Miscellaneous Pharmaceutical Agents

Part – II Practical Lab Manual

1. Introduction 2. Apparatus 3. Reagents 4. Inorganic Qualitative Analysis 5. Inorganic Quantitative Analysis 6. Analysis Method of Pharmaceutical Drug Forms 7. Limit Tests 8. Preparation of some inorganic compounds Pharmaceutical Interest

About the Authors:

Kaza Somasekhar Rao MSc, Phd, Chemist, born on March 10, 1947 at Gudlavalleru (A.P); married Indira devi, one son and one daughter; education at Andhra, Jabalpur and Ravishankar Universities; Lecturer in Chemistry, Andhra University1976, Andhra University Post Post-Graduate Extension centre, Nuzvid from 1977-85, Reader in Chemistry 1985-94, Head, Dept of Chemistry1998-2000,2003-05; Professor Chemistry, Acharya Nagarjuna University Post-Graduate centre 1994; Special Officer, ANU 1996-98, 2000-02; Member Academic Senate, ANU, Chairman Board of Studies in Chemistry 2005-07; Member ISAS, Catalysis Soc of India, Indian Council of Chemists_ICC (Vice President); Editorial Board Member, Chemical and Environmental Research, Journal of ICC, Asian Journal of Chemical & Environmental Research; 40 Years of Teaching Experience & Guided 60 M.Phil and PhD students; attended 75 National and International Conferences and published 150 Research papers; Published Coordination Chemistry (1988,2002,2nd edn, 2004, 3rd edn,2006, 4th edn), Text book of Practical Inorganic chemistry (2003,2005, 2nd edn) and other 6 more books for UG level in Chemistry; Recipient of Bharat Excellence Award (2003), Bharat Yogyata award and Best Personalities of India Award (2010).

Address (Off.): Chemistry Department, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nuzvid Campus, Nuzvid-521201, India; (Res) 25-122, Indira Bhavan, Sekhar Street, St-3, Sarada nagar, Nuzvid (A.P), India. Tel: 08656-232618, 09848942618. E-Mail:

Chennupati Venkata Suresh, M. Pharm (pharm. Chemistry), (Ph.D) born on 1976, working at Sri Siddhartha Pharmacy College, Nuzvid has ten years of Experience in the field of Pharmacy teaching and has guided several graduate students. He has published research, review and short communications in several National and International Conferences. He is a life member of professional Associations like Assosiation of Pharmaceutical Teachers in India (APTI), Indian Pharmaceutical Assosiation (IPA), Assosiation of Biotechnology and Pharmacy (ABAP), Indian Hospital pharmacist Assosiation (IHPA), Indian Council of Chemists (ICC), Pharma Helpline Society. He is Executive Member of APTI-AP State Branch. 

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