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Herbal Therapy for Diabetes
Editor(s) :Khan Irfan A., khanum

ISBN : 9788188279463
Name : Herbal Therapy for Diabetes
Price : Currency 350.00
Editor/s : Khan Irfan A., khanum
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 430
Year of Publication : 2007
Publisher : Ukaaz/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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1. Introduction 2. History 3. Epidemiology 4. Role of pancreatic harmones 5. General symptoms of diabetes 6. Classifications of diabetes 7. Diagnosis and monitoring 8. Test for urine-sugar or blood-sugar 9. Criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus 10. Etiopathogenesis of diabetes 11. Clinical features of diabetes 12. Metabolic changes in diabetes mellitus 13. Genes for diabetes mellitus 14. Homeostasis 15. Abnormalities in blood glucose levels 16. Glycosuria 17. Glycaemic index 18. Glycaemic load 19. Diabetic complications 20. Glycemic cOlltroland complications 21. Mechanism of hyperglycaemia induced diabetic complications 22. Management of diabetes 23. Pharmacological management of diabetes mellitus 24. Treatment 25. Alternative medicine for diabetes 26. Medicinal plants with antidiabetic potential 27. Phytotherapeutic compounds from medicinal plants 28. Preparations of phytotherapeutic extract 29. Antidiabetic herbal mixture 30. Herbal approach combating diabetes 31. Antidiabetic plants and their curative properties 32. Plants with antidiabetic activity

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