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Pollution and Global Warming
Author(s) :P. Jayarama Reddy

ISBN : 9789381075098
Name : Pollution and Global Warming
Price : Currency 295.00
Author/s : P. Jayarama Reddy
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 273
Year of Publication : 2011
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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 "Pollution and Global warming" by Dr. Reddy is a thoughtful overview of pollution in general and global warming in particular. It provides a useful history of the world's efforts to meet the important challenges of global warming as well as the science underlying the issues. It is a good reference for students and the public looking for an introduction to these challenges". "The book also simplifies the long and complex IPCC Working Group reports for an average reader. The book starts with simple scientific concepts and finally deals with mitigation and adaptation aspects, besides filling the void of a simple yet comprehensive exposition of the multi-dimensions of climate change".


1. EARTH and ATMOSPHERE: Earth, Atmosphere, Natural Resources of Earth, Cycles of Earth and Atmosphere, Interaction of Atmosphere with Oceans, 2. POLLUTION: Introduction, Categories of pollutants, Air pollution, water pollution, Land pollution, Remediation of the environment 3. GLOBAL WARMING / CLIMATE CHANGE: Solar radiation, Earth’s Global mean Energy balance, Greenhouse Effect, Climate Change, Projection of Future climate change, Impacts of future climate change, Risk of abrupt or irreversible changes 4. ADAPTATION and MITIGATION: Adaptation Plans, Mitigation Measures, Global Agreements and National Policies, Action for a Sustainable World

About the Author

P. Jayarama Reddy is a former Professor of Physics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India. He worked as a Research Associate in the Department of Materials and Engineering, Cornell University, Visiting fellow in Imperial college of Science & Technology, London, Visiting fellow at Charles University, Prague under Exchange Programme, Guest Professor, Institute of Physical Electronics, University of Stuttgart. He was a Member of Vice chancellors’ delegation to P.R.China. He worked as Director, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (Deemed University), Prasanthi Nilayam. He initiated solar energy research at S. V. University, which attracted special assistance for research from University Grants Commission and Ministry of Non conventional Energy Sources, Government of India. He directed several research projects sponsored by CSIR, UGC, DST and DNES/MNES related to materials and solid thin films. He published around 250 research papers along with his students in the areas of anharmonicity of crystals, semiconducting thin films, and thin film solar cells. He traveled extensively, presented papers and delivered invited lectures in International conferences and chaired technical sessions. For more than a decade now, he is a nominee Director on the Boards of several Renewable energy companies – solar module fabrication, power generation from biomass, and power generation from solid waste. His interests include Environmental Studies and published a book, ’Principles of Environmental studies’ and the present one ‘Pollution and Global Warming’ is the second book. His other book on ‘Energy for Waste’ is in the press.

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