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Java and Object Orientation: An Introduction
Author(s) :John Hunt

ISBN : 9788184890167
Name : Java and Object Orientation: An Introduction
Price : Currency 995.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : John Hunt
Type : Text Book
Pages : 484
Year of Publication : Rpt.2008
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Introduction to Object Orientation 2. Elements of Object Orientation 3. Constructing an Object-Oriented System 4. A Brief History of Time the Universe and Java 5. A Little Java 6. Java Building Blocks 7. Java Constructs 8. An Example Java Class 9. Classes, Inheritance and Abstraction 10. Encapsulation and Polymorphism 11. Inner Classes and Reflection 12. Data Structures 13. The Collection API 14. Control and Iteration 15. An Object-Oriented Organizer 16. Streams and Files 17. Serialization 18. Observers and Observables 19. Graphic Programming using the Abstract Window Toolkit 20. User Interface Programming 21. Managing Component Layout 22. Putting the Swing into Java 23. A GUI Case Study 24. The Lowdown on Layouts, Borders and Containers 25. Combining Graphics and GUI Components 26. Swing Data Model Case Study 27. Java: Speaking in Tongues 28. The Cutting Edge 29. Sockets in Java 30. Applets and the Internet 31. Servlets: Serving Java up on the Web 32. Java Server Pages 33. Java Database Connectivity 34. Java Style Guidelines 35. Exception Handling 36. Concurrency 37. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 38. The Unified Modeling Language 39. The Unified Process 40. Areas of Java and Object Technology not Covered

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