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Drug Design: Medicinal Chemistry
Editor(s) :E. J. Ariens

ISBN : 9788131216590
Name : Drug Design: Medicinal Chemistry
Price : Currency 24995.00
Volume : 10 Volumes
Editor/s : E. J. Ariens
Type : Text Book
Pages : 581
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2009
Publisher : Elsevier/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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Volume I: 1. A General Introduction to the Field of Drug Design 2. Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationships in Drug Design 3. Physicochemical Approaches to the Rational Development of New Drugs 4. A Molecular Orbital Approach to Quatiative Drug Design 5. Electronics Aspects of Drug Action 6. The Role of Biopharmaceutics in the Design of Drug Products 7. Significance of Phamacokinetics for Drug Design and the Planning of Dosage Regimens Volume II: 1. Modulation of Pharmacokinetics by Molecular Manipulation 2. Factors in the Design of Reversible and Irreversible Enzyme Inhibitors 3. The Design of Organophosphate and Carbamate Inhibitors of Cholinesteraes 4. The Design of Reactivators for Irreversibly Blocked Acetylcholinesterase 5. Inhibition of Protein Biosynthesis: Its Significance in Drug Design 6. Enzymes and their Synthesis as a Target for Antibiotic Action 7. The Rational Design of Antiviral Agents 8. Design of Penicillins 9. The Design of Peptide Hormone Analogs 10. Recent Advances in the Design of Diuretics 11. Design of Biologically Active Steroids 12. Rational Elements in the Development of Superior Neuromuscular Blocking Agents 13. The Design of Tumor-Inhibitory Alkylating Drugs Volume III: 1. Microbial Conversion as a Tool in the Preparation of Drugs 2. The Use of Linear Free Energy Parameters and Other Experimental Constants in Structure–Activity Studies 3. Anticoagulants Structurally and Functionally Related to Vitamin K 4. Design of b-Blocking Drugs 5. The Design of Biologically Active Acridines 6. The Design of Local Anesthetics 7. Design of Insect Chemosterilants 8. Molecular Approach for Designing Inhibitors to Enzymes Involved in Blood Clotting Volume IV: 1. Biopharmaceutics as a Basis for the Design of Drug Products 2. Peroral Solid Dosage Forms with Prolonged Action 3. Parenteral Dosage Forms with Prolonged Action 4. Design of Topical Drug Products: Pharmaceutics 5. Design of Topical Drug Products: Biopharmaceutics 6. The Design of Sunscreen Preparations 7. Litholytic Agents: Preventive and Curative for Nephrolithiasis 8. The Design of Biologically Active Nucleosides 9. The Design of Insecticidal Chlorohydrocarbon Derivatives Volume V: 1. Utilization of Operational Schemes for Analog Synthesis in Drug Design 2. The Design of Enzyme Inhibitors: Transition State Analogs 3. Structure–Absorption–Distribution Relationships: Significance for Drug Design 4. The Role of Charge-Transfer Processes in the Action of Bioactive Materials 5. Approaches to the Rational Combination of Antimetabolites for Cancer Chemotherapy 6. Physicochemical, Quantum Chemical, and Other Theoretical Techniques for the Understanding of the Mechanism of Action of CNS Agents: Psychoactive Drugs, Narcotics, and Narcotic Antagonists and Anesthetics Volume VI: 1. Diphenhydramine Derivatives: Through Manipulation toward Design 2. The Design of Antiradiation Agents 3. Rational Approach to Proteinase Inhibitors 4. The Design of Organ-Imaging Radiopharmaceuticals 5. Design of X-Ray Contrast Media 6. Agricultural Pesticides: Chemical and Physical Methods of Formulation Volume VII: 1. The Design of Artificial Blood Substitutes 2. Insect Pheromones as a Basis for the Development of More Effective Selective Pest Control Agents 3. The Design of Auxin-Type Herbicides 4. Development and Application of New Steric Substituent Parameters in Drug Design 5. Computer Technology in Drug Design Volume VIII: 1. Advances in the Methodology of Quantitative Drug Design 2. The Application of Pattern Recognition to Drug Design 3. The Design of Controlled Drug Delivery Systems 4. Receptor Binding as a Tool in the Development of New Bioactive Steroids 5. The Design of Synthetic Sweeteners 6. The Prospective Assessment of Environmental Effects of Chemicals 7. Design of Selective Ion Binding Macrycyclic Compounds and Their Biological Applications Volume IX: 1. Design of Safer Chemicals 2. Consequences of the Hansch Paradigm for the Pharmaceutical Industry 3. A Physical Chemical Basis for the Design of Orally Active Prodrugs 4. The Masca Model of Pharmaco chemistry I. Multivariate Statistics 5. Rationales in the Design of Rectal and Vaginal Delivery Forms of Drugs 6. Ineractive Graphics in Medicinal Chemistry 7. Logico-Structural Approach to Computer-Assisted Drug Design Volume X: 1. Practical Procedures in Drug Design 2. Structural Aspects of the Structure–Activity Relationships of Neuroleptics: Principles and Methods 3. Bridging the Gap between Bioactive Peptides and Nonpeptides: Some Perspectives in Design 4. Dynamic Systems Analysis as a Basis for Drug Design: Application to Antihypertensive Drug Action 5. Polymeric Drug Delivery Systems 6. The Design of Biocompatible Polymers 7. The Design of Insect Repellents 8. Multivariate Data Analysis in Structure–Activity Relationships 9. The Masca Model of Pharmaco chemistry II. Rational Empiricisms in the Multivariate Analysis of Opioids

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