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Models for Assessing Drug Absorption and Metabolism
Editor(s) :Borchardt, Ronald T, Smith, Philip L, Wilson, Glynn

ISBN : 9788184898507
Name : Models for Assessing Drug Absorption and Metabolism
Price : Currency 1495.00
Editor/s : Borchardt, Ronald T
Type : Text Book
Pages : 444
Year of Publication : Rpt.2010
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. General Principles in the Characterization and Use of Model Systems for Biopharmaceutical Studies 2. Methods for Evaluating Intestinal Permeability and Metabolism in vitro; 3. Cultured intestinal Epithelial Cell Models 4. Intestinal Rings and Isolated Intestinal Mucosal Cells 5. Models of Drug Absorption in situand in Conscious Animals 6. Model Systems for Intestinal Lymphatic Transport Studies 7. Buccal Tissues and Cell Culture 8. Isolated Hepatocytes 9. Cultured Rat Hepatocytes 10. Isolated Perfused Liver 11. Isolated Renal Brush Border and Basolateral Membrane Vesicles and Cultured Renal Cells 12. Use of an Isolated Perfused Kidney to Assess Renal Clearance of Drugs: Information Obtained in Steady state and Non steady State Experimental Systems 13. Brain Micro vessel Endothelial Cell Culture Systems 14. Methods to Study Drug Transport in Isolated Choroid Plexus Tissue and Cultured Cells 15. Brain Perfusion Systems for Studies of Drug Uptake and Metabolism in the Central Nervous System

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