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Fundamentals of Information Technology: Theory and Practicals
Author(s) :Sailaja Shekhar

ISBN : 9788188279616
Name : Fundamentals of Information Technology: Theory and Practicals
Price : Currency 270.00
Author/s : Sailaja Shekhar
Type : Text Book
Pages : 494
Year of Publication : 2009
Publisher : Ukaaz/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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PARTI : THEORY Introduction To Computers: 1. Introduction to Computers, 2. Elements of Computer Hardware, 3. Input/Output Devices, 4. IT Enabled Services, 5. Modern Communications. Operating System And Windows: 1. Operating System, 2. Disk Operating System, 3. Computer Security, 4. Windows Operating System Microsoft Word: I. Introduction to Microsoft Office, 2. Microsoft Word, 3. Editing Document, 4. Formatting Document, 5. Insertion of Objects, 6. Graphics, 7. Mail Merge, 8. Microsoft Word Templates, 9. Working with Tables Microsoft Excel: 1. Introduction to Microsoft Excel, 2. Operations on Workbook, 3. Editing Worksheet, 4. Formatting Cells, 5. Working with Formulas, 6. Microsoft Excel Templates 7. Creating Charts, 8. Macros in Microsoft Excel Microsoft Access: 1. Introduction to Microsoft Access, 2. Microsoft Access Forms, 3. Queries 4. Reports, 5. Data Validations, 6. Lab Exercise Microsoft Powerpoint: 1. Microsoft PowerPoint Features, 2. Menus and Toolbars, 3. Creating a Presentation, 4. Manipulating Presentation, 5. Multimedia Internet And Electronic Commerce: 1. Internet, 2. Electronic Commerce PART II : PRACTICALS Programs And Index

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