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Natural Products: A Practical Manual
Author(s) :P. Praveen Kumar

ISBN : 9788188449798
Name : Natural Products: A Practical Manual
Price : Currency 225.00
Author/s : P. Praveen Kumar
Type : Text Book
Pages : 144
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

The study of natural products has always been the starting point of the discipline of Chemistry in every country of the globe, in view of the importance of the organic compounds in agriculture, medicine and industry. Every student of chemistry today feels the need to acquire further knowledge in this field. Each chapter includes a general introduction and method of isolation, degradation and applications of chromatographic procedures. The introduction in each chapter is brief and attempts only to supply or recall knowledge in the particular field. The student, who does not always find the time to read the relevant books or reviews, will find, in this introduction, the required material in a concentrated form. Each experiment is described under the following headings : Introduction, principle, materials, procedures and chemical tests (often including spectral data) This laboratory manual is designed to meet the needs in laboratory experiments for natural products, and phyto chemistry, as such, this book will be considered by faculty, undergraduates and postgraduates of pharmacy courses of various universities.


1. Carbohydrates 2. Terpenoids 3. Alkaloids 4. Proteins 5. Lipids 6. Flavonoids 7. Vitamins 8. Analysis of Fixed Oils or Fats 9. Estimation of Nitrogen (Kjeldahl’s Method) 10. Estimation of Carbonyl Group 11. Estimation of Hydroxyl Group 12. Interpretation of IR Spectroscopy, 13. Interpretation of h1nmr spectroscopy

About the Author

Mr. P. Praveen Kumar is presently working as Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry at Hindu College of Pharmacy, Guntur. Author is a B.Pharm graduate from EMR’s College of Pharmacy in Gulbarga and a M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Chemistry at C.L.Baid Metha College of Pharmacy from Dr. M.G.R Medical University, Chennai. He has submitted Ph.D in Andhra University under the guidance of Dr. Y. Rajendhra Prasad, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University College of Pharmacy, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. He has published 7 scientific research and review papers in reputed national and international journals and presented more than 50 research abstracts at national scientific conference in the area of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis. P. Praveen Kumar is a life member of APTI, Inpharma Association and Pharma Helpline society.

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