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Biochemistry : A Practical Manual
Author(s) :N. Sharath Chandra Bose

ISBN : 9788188449910
Name : Biochemistry : A Practical Manual
Price : Currency 175.00
Author/s : N. Sharath Chandra Bose
Type : Text Book
Pages : 102
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

Biochemistry: A Practical Manual is an essential guide for students studying biochemistry at the undergraduate level. This comprehensive manual has been meticulously designed to cater to the laboratory syllabus and covers a wide range of topics from the preparation of standard buffers and pH to the chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids. The book also delves into the analysis of drugs, enzymes, clinical biochemistry, as well as the identification of abnormal constituents of urine. With detailed step-by-step procedures, the manual provides hands-on training for students to enhance their understanding of the practical applications of biochemistry. The manual also includes an analysis of milk and foodstuffs, making it a valuable resource for students.

This practical manual is a must-have for students seeking a comprehensive understanding of laboratory techniques and their applications.


 1. Preparation of Standard Buffers and pH 2. Chemistry of Carbohydrates 3. Chemistry of Lipids 4. Identification of Amino acids 5. Analysis of Drugs 6. Clinical Bio-Chemistry 7. Enzymes 8. Analysis of Milk and Food stuffs 9. Abnormal Constituents of Urine

About the Author

 N. Sarath Chandra Bose did MSc in Biochemistry and MPhil from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur and has submitted thesis for PhD in the same University. He has 8 years of teaching experience and presently he is a guest faculty in the Department of Biochemistry, Acharya Nagarjuna University. He has presented number of papers in International and National Seminars.

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