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Basic Principles of Agricultural Meteorology
Author(s) :V. Radha Krishna Murthy

ISBN : 9788178000367
Name : Basic Principles of Agricultural Meteorology
Price : Currency 1095.00
Author/s : V. Radha Krishna Murthy
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 287
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2022
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

Globally, climate change is exerting an enormous influence on productivity of both natural and cultivated ecosystems. With growing population and its needs, nature was subjected to over exploitation at the expense of sustainability of resources and production base. Of the sciences that help us in understanding and adjusting with the nature in relation to agriculture, Agricultural Meteorology is one. There are several advanced books on this subject, but a text book on basic principles is lacking. The author has attempted to bridge the gap in clear and non-mathematical manner. The first eight chapters deal with different components of weather, followed by chapters on applications of meteorological data for tackling the problem of crop production. In other chapters crop growth modelling, climate change, micrometeorology, weather modification and remote sensing have been discussed. This book is undoubtedly essential for students of Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Scientists, Agro-meteorologists and Progressive farmers.


1. Atmosphere and agricultural Meteorology 2. Solar Radiation 3. Temperature 4. Pressure 5. Wind 6. Humidity 7. Evaporation and Transpiration 8. Rainfall 9. Weather Disaster Management, synoptic reports, Weather forecasting and Remote sensing 10. Crop growth modeling, climate change and climate classification 11. Micro meteorology and Weather Modification

About the Author

Dr. V. Radha Krishna Murthy did his M.Sc. (Ag) in Agricultural Meteorology from P.A.U. Ludhiana, and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Studies from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. He obtained his Ph.D. (Agronomy) from Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University. He learnt operational techniques in agrometeorology and crop growth modelling from the world renowned scientists Prof. T.N. Balasubramanian, TNAU, Coimbatore, India and Prof. J.W.Jones, University of Florida, U.S.A. respectively. He has put up 17 years of experience in farm management, research, teaching and extension. He is at present Associate Professor (Agronomy) in ANGRAU, Hyderabad. He has published over 30 research articles, several popular articles and also the author for “Practical Manual on Agricultural Meteorology” and “Terminology in Agricultural Meteorology”. His books are part of reference material in India and also popular in the developing countries.

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