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Medicinal Chemistry: Drugs Acting on Nervous System
Author(s) :Kapil Kalra, Deepak Nanda

ISBN : 9789381075241
Name : Medicinal Chemistry: Drugs Acting on Nervous System
Price : Currency 225.00
Author/s : Kapil Kalra, Deepak Nanda
Type : Text Book
Pages : 156
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

This book aims to be a textbook for the Undergraduate students of Pharmacy. The book provides a comprehensive, balanced introduction and detailed information on the various classes of drugs used in Pharmacy. The approach to medicinal chemistry is kept as simple as possible. It includes mechanism of action, structure activity relationships and mainly focus on the synthesis of selected compounds as per the course curriculum. The text is divided into five units, discussing a wide variety of topics and meet the requirements of the students.

1. Drugs Affecting Autonomous Nervous System

2. Drugs Affecting Central Nervous System-I

3. Drugs Affecting Central Nervous System-II

4. Drugs Affecting Central Nervous System-III

5. Autocoids


1. Autonomous Nervous System, 2. Central Nervous System-I, 3. Central Nervous System-II, 4. Central Nervous System-III, 5. Autocoids

About the Authors

Kapil Kalra is a Postgraduate in Medicinal Chemistry and pursuing Ph.D in Pharmaceutical Sciences. He is Assistant Professor in Dev Bhoomi Institute of Pharmacy and Research, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. He has received his M. Pharma from Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Orissa. He is the Founder and Mentor of Indian Pharmaceutical Association – Student Forum, Uttarakhand. He has to his credit more than ten research publications and review articles in National and International Journals. He is a member of Advisory Board in many scientific Journals and also the member of Scientific associations.

Deepak Nanda has been in Pharmaceutical education for 5 years. He is Assistant Professor in Dev Bhoomi Institute of Pharmacy and Research, D. Dun. He has received his M. Pharma from Al-Ameen College of Pharmacy, Bangalore and pursuing Ph.D in Pharmaceutical Sciences. At DBIPR he was responsible for upgrading the department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and introducing Postgraduate and research Programmes. He is the Member of Board of Studies of Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehra Dun.  He is the Member of APTI.

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