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Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design Automation
Author(s) :Sung Kyu Lim

ISBN : 9788132202431
Name : Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design Automation
Price : Currency 1095.00
Author/s : Sung Kyu Lim
Type : Text Book
Pages : 260
Year of Publication : Rpt.2011
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design Automation contains problems and solutions related to various well-known algorithms used in VLSI physical design automation. Dr. Lim believes that the best way to learn new algorithms is to walk through a small example by hand. This knowledge will greatly help understand, analyze, and improve some of the well-known algorithms. The author has designed and taught a graduate-level course on physical CAD for VLSI at Georgia Tech. Over the years he has written his homework with such a focus and has maintained typeset version of the solutions. It was then shared with other colleagues teaching physical CAD either as a sole theme or as a part of EDA (electronic design automation) class. Dr. Lim believes that physical design automation still remains as an exciting and highly rewarding field after its birth in the 1970s, and that students with motivation and skills are always in huge demand. His vision in this book is to see the students realize that the learning curve is not so steep after all.


1. Clustering, 2. Partitioning, 3. Floor planning, 4. Placement, 5. Steiner routing, 6. Multi-net routing.

About the Author

Sung Kyu Lim received his PhD at UCLA in Los Angeles, USA and he majored in VLSI CAD. He recently received tenure at Georgia Tech. 
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