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Organizational Behaviour: Performance management in practice
Author(s) :Richard Pettinger

ISBN : 9780415481434
Name : Organizational Behaviour: Performance management in practice
Price : Currency 895.00
Author/s : Richard Pettinger
Type : Text Book
Pages : 580
Year of Publication : Rpt.2011
Publisher : Taylor & Francis/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

This book offers a fresh and comprehensive approach to the essentials that constitute the discipline of organizational behaviour with a strong emphasis on the application of organizational behaviour and performance management in practice. It concentrates on the development of effective patterns of behaviour, values and attitudes, and relates these issues to effective organization performance in times of organizational and environmental change and turbulence. The book is divided into four parts, providing a clear structure for the study of the subject:

• Part One: The context of organizational behaviour

• Part Two: The disciplines of organizational behaviour

• Part Three: Organizational behaviour in practice

• Part Four: Organizational behaviour – expertise and application

Organizational Behaviour is packed with references to current topics, practical examples and case studies from large corporations from around the world, including Ryanair, The Body Shop and RBS. This book covers examples of both good and bad practice, making it an interesting and unique introduction to the study of organizational behaviour.


Part 1: The context of organizational behaviour 1. Introduction 2. Organizations and their environment 3. Change Part 2: The disciplines of organizational behaviour 4. Perception 5. Attitudes, values and beliefs 6. Ethics 7. Motivation 8. Communication 9. Influence, power and authority 10. Realpolitik 11. Conflict 12. Teams and groups 13. Influences on the nature of work: personality, roles and performance 14. Technology 15. Culture Part 3: Organizational behaviour in practice 16. Leadership 17. Organization and management development 18. Organization structure and design 19. Human resource management and employee relations Part 4: Organizational behaviour – expertise and application 20. The nature of general management 21. Strategy 22. Operation management 23. The nature of workplace behaviour 24. Stress and its management 25. Managing for the future

About the Author

Richard Pettinger is Principal Teaching Fellow and Reader in Management Education at University College London, where he is also Director of the undergraduate Information Management for Business programme. He also continues to consult with organizations in all sectors.

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