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Climate change: Vulnerability and Adaptation
Editor(s) :M. Anji Reddy, T. Vijaya Lakshmi

ISBN : 9788178002521
Name : Climate change: Vulnerability and Adaptation
Price : Currency 2995.00
Volume : 2 Volume set
Editor/s : M. Anji Reddy, T. Vijaya Lakshmi
Type : Text Book
Pages : 604
Year of Publication : 2011
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

India as a developing country, and part of Millennium Development Goals, is confronting with the challenge of sustaining its rapid economic progress and at the same time dealing with the global risk of climate change. The country, whose economy is directly coupled with its natural resources and climate susceptible sectors such as agriculture, water resources, forestry, mining industry, Coastal development, and others, India may face a major threat because of the projected changes in climate.

    The “Climate Change” is a documented fact and Govt. of India has launched its national action plan on climate change (NAPCC), with initiatives that include creation of 8 core “national missions” representing multi-pronged, long-term and integrated strategies for achieving key goals in the context of climate change.

    Over the next several years there will be a major requirement for professionals from a variety of basic disciplines, who can understand climate change, who can develop techno-scientific methods and models to cope up with climate change.

Topics covered

    ·    Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis: Tools and Technologies

    ·    Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability

    ·    Climate Change Influence on Water Resources

    ·    Climate Change Mitigation Technologies

     ·    Policies and Regulations to Mitigate Climate Change


Volume – I: SESSION 1 - Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis: Tools and Technologies SESSION 2 - Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability SESSION 3 - Climate Change Influence on Water Resources

Volume – II: SESSION 4 - Climate Change Mitigation Technologies SESSION 5 - Policies and Regulations to Mitigate Climate Change

About the Editors

M. Anji Reddy is Professor of Environmental Science and Technology, Centre for Environment, Director, University Foreign Relations, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH), Hyderabad, Coordinator, TIFAC, DST and Chairman, A,P State Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) of MoEF, Govt., of India. He received his Ph.D. in Remote sensing from JNTU, M.Tech from IIT Kanpur. He has more than 21 years of teaching experience in Environmental Geomatics, Digital Image Processing, Ecology & Environmental Impact Assessment. He has publications more than 116 research papers in many International and National Journals besides undertaking various National projects sponsored by different Government departments and organizations. He is the technical referee for journals, namely- International journal of Remote Sensing, UK and Remote Sensing Reviews, USA. He has conducted short- term training programs on Remote Sensing and GIS applications to Environmental Management to various Government officials and faculty of engineering and polytechnique colleges. He has authored five books: “Textbook of Remote Sensing & GIS”, “Geo-informatics for Environmental Management”, “Digital image processing”, Environmental sciences (UPTU) and “Environmental science and technology” published by BS Publications, Hyderabad.

T. Vijaya Lakshmi is Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Technology, Centre for Environment, Institute of Science and technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH), Hyderabad. She received her Ph.D. in Environmental Science and M.Sc(Tech) in Environmental Chemistry  from JNTU. She has teaching and Research experience of 11 years in Environmental Sciences, Environmental Impact assessment, and Environmental Geomatics. She has published nearly 09 research papers and involved in various R&D projects sponsored by Govt. organizations, as Member, and Co-Investigator. She is also member of American Geophysical Union, Indian Society of Technical Education, Indian Science Congress Association.

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