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Nomograms for Design and Operation of Cement Plants
Author(s) :S. P. Deolalkar

ISBN : 9789381075005
Name : Nomograms for Design and Operation of Cement Plants
Price : Currency 2500.00
Author/s : S. P. Deolalkar
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 249
Year of Publication : 2011
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book


The object of this book is to provide a handy tool to all those involved in design and operation of cement plants, which requires a great many calculations to be done over and over. Nomograms included in this book eliminate these repetitive workouts and provide answers with minimum effort.


Is a graphical representation of two or more variables related to one another in such a way that when one or more is known the third can be read from the nomogram. A Slide Rule is a classic example of a nomogram. Usefulness and convenience of nomograms would be evident from this one example.


     ·    The book covers almost all aspects of plant design and operation and hence will be a handy tool for cement plant personnel and cement consultants.

     ·    The nomograms have been presented in a manner that will facilitate their use. Each nomogram is accompanied with an explanatory note that explains its usefulness, concerned inputs and outputs and scales used and also illustrated with an example of its usage.

     ·    Most nomograms are in one step but a few are in 2 or 3 progressive steps. In this print form, the nomogram appears on the left and the corresponding text on the right. Text furnishes all pertinent information about the purpose and the use of the nomogram.

     ·    A CD is included containing nomograms in autocad format. Readers can use it to put in their own inputs and get corresponding outputs.

     ·    A user, even with little knowledge of autocad, can draw lines across it to obtain results of new inputs. In many nomograms 'log scales' have been used to facilitate construction.

     ·    All in all every effort has been made to make them user friendly.

     ·   Cement Engineers, Cement Plant Designers and Cement Consultants will find the book useful and practical.


Section 1 - Basics Section 2 - Physical Properties Section 3 - Process Section 4 - Machinery

About the Author

Mr. Deolalkar is the Author of the Book 'Handbook for Designing Cement Plants' that has been well received by the cement industry in India and abroad.

            Mr. Deolalkar is a first class graduate in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. He is also a Graduate of the British Institute of Management.

            He joined The Associated Cement Companies Ltd. in 1956 and has been associated with the cement industry for a period of over 50 years.

            He has had first hand working experience in cement plants – in operation, in erection and in commissioning of new plants.

            Mr. Deolalkar later worked with ACC-Vickers-Babcock Ltd., a subsidiary of ACC engaged in the manufacturing of Babcock Boilers and in making cement machinery.

            Mr. Deolalkar has thus been associated with design and setting up new cement plants and expansions of existing ones for a quarter of a century - plants ranging in capacity from 300 tpd to 3000 tpd. He has been witness to the great strides made by the cement industry in India.

            During his career Mr. Deolalkar has handled almost all aspects of the design of cement plants.

            Since 1986, Mr. Deolalkar has been working as a consultant - first as a Chief Executive of Bhagwati Priya Consulting Engineers Ltd., and later for Deolalkar Consultants a proprietary consultancy company in Hyderabad.

            Mr. Deolalkar was associated with a number of  Institutions related to the cement industry at the national level like Bureau of Indian Standards (earlier known as ISI), the National Committee for Science and Technology and the National Council for Cement and Building Materials. He was a member of the Research Advisory Committee of the NCCBM and was also a member of its Faculty. Mr. Deolalkar served as Secretary of the Cement Machinery Manufacturers' Association in the early 1980s. He has written a number of papers on cement in national and international journals.

            This second book 'Nomograms for Design and Operation of Cement Plants' is a sequel to his first book and is complementary to it.
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