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Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Author(s) :Gerald E Schumacher

ISBN : 9789381075364
Name : Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Price : Currency 1995.00
Author/s : Gerald E Schumacher
Type : Text Book
Pages : 684
Year of Publication : 2011
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, or TDM, is about using drug serum concentrations, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics to individualize and optimize patient responses to drug therapy. It is also about understanding the merits, limitations, and applications of using serum drug concentrations in quantitative decision making.

The book evolves from the author's 25 years of teaching clinical pharmacokinetics and TDM to undergraduate and graduate students.

This textbook covers in detail the drugs that are commonly monitored using serum drug concentrations as adjuncts to decision making. But it is also a reference that contains, material not presently available in textbooks on TDM: how drugs are monitored, the total testing process used by the clinical laboratory to process and interpret serum drug concentrations, the test performance criteria describing the usefulness and limitations associated with using serum drug concentrations in decision analysis, and the template for characterizing outcomes of TDM from both system-related and patient-centered viewpoints.


      · To enhance the usefulness of this book as a learning tool for students, each chapter opens with points “To Keep in Mind,” and concludes with a summary of essential concepts and the opportunity to test knowledge through questions and cases with answers


1. Introduction to Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 2. Pharmacokinetic Concepts in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 3. The Total Testing Process Applied to Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 4. Developing and Operating a Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Service 5. Monitoring Drug Therapy 6. Population Approaches to Pharmacokinetics and Risk Management 7. Decision Analysis Applied to Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 8. Outcomes Assessment of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: System and Patient Considerations 9. Aminoglycosides 10. Antiarrhythmics 11. Antiepileptics 12. Chloramphenicol 13. Cyclic Antidepressants 14. Cyclosporine 15. Digoxin 16. Lithium 17. Methotrexate 18. Theophylline 19. Vancomycin

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