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Library and Information Services in the Digital Era
Editor(s) :L. S. Ramaiah, M. Koteswara Rao, K. Veeranjaneyulu, Y. Uma Devi

ISBN : 9789381075494
Name : Library and Information Services in the Digital Era
Price : Currency 795.00
Editor/s : L. S. Ramaiah, M. Koteswara Rao
Type : Text Book
Pages : 483
Year of Publication : 2011
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Multiple Intelligences and Information and Communication Skills and Competencies in Digital Librarianship, 2. Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG):  A Study, 3. Use of e-Resources in University Libraries : A case study of Vikram University, Ujjain (MP), 4. Management of e-Resources in University Libraries :  A case study of University of Hyderabad Library, 5. Institutional Repository using e-Prints Open Source Software at sameer-Cem: A case study, 6. Webpacs : A gate way to the Electronic Resources, 7. Awareness and Accessibility of Electronic Resources, 8. ERMED (Electronic Resources on MEDicine) Consortium :  A case study of Tamil Nadu Dr. M. G. R. Medical University Library, 9. Types of e–Resources and their uses in Ramesh Mohan Library EFL University: A Study, 10. Building users’ Confidence/Trust on Libraries in the Changing ICT Environment, 11. Education, Training and Development of Library Manpower in ICT era: University Libraries, 12. Print verses Electronic Journals Management in the Present Scenario, 13. The Electronic Resource Management System, 14. E-Book ever replaces printed books, 15. Current Trends in Libraries: Implications on Continuing Education, 16. Changing Role of Libraries in New Digital Era, 17. Modernization of Andhra Pradesh Residential Junior College Libraries with the Application of Information and Communication Technologies, 18. Scholarly Information and Communication in the Web Environment at ANGR Agricultural University, 19. Internet based Resources and Services to Open and Distance Learners (ODL) in the Internet Age - A bird’s view, 20. Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and its Implications for Libraries, 21. Application of Web 2.0 Tools in LICs, 22. E-Initiatives in Agriculture, 23. Information Services by Library Software in Context of e-Resources, 24. UGC INFONET Digital Library Consortium at Osmania University: An overview, 25. Consortium of e-Resources for Agriculture (CeRA) : A boon to Research Scholars of Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, 26. UGC: e-Journals Consortium under the N-List Programme :  A Study, 27. Network access to e- Resources in Calcutta University : A case study, 28. Library Portal: A Digital Gateway of Information Era, 29. E-Resources and Information Services: Opportunities & Challenges for Library and Information Centers, 30. Digital Resource Formats, 31. Digital Access to Newspaper Archival Information Services, 32. Information Literacy Program for Higher Educational Institutions:  An overview, 33. Need of Information Literacy, 34. Information Literacy: An over view, 35. Information Literacy Programme : Overview, 36. Content Management Strategies, Tools and Technologies: An overview, 37. Long-term Preservation of Digital Publications, 38. Metadataadder: A tool for Preserving MARC Metadata in e-Books PDF documents, 39. Standards and Formats for Preservation of Digital Resources, 40. Role of Cloud Computing Technology in Digital Library – An Overview, 41. Importance of Marketing in Information Era, 42. Library Documents and Information Marketing: Some Random Thoughts, 43. Marketing of Library and Information Services : An Action Plan, 44. Marketing of Library & Information Services, 45. Marketing of Information, 46. Marketing of Library and Information Services and Products, 47. Digital Library Initiatives in Engineering Educational Institutions in Rayalaseema Region of Andhra Pradesh –  A brief study, 48. Awareness of Web 2.0 among Librarians of Engineering Educational Institutions, Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh : A survey, 49. Prof. Yadagiri Reddy : A Super Human Being, 50. Prof. Jammidi Yadagiri Reddy: A Teacher Extraordinary

About the Authors

Prof. L.S. Ramaiah is one of the Senior LIS Professional in the country.  He studied at the Banarus Hindu University, Osmania University and the National Archives of India.  He was a Gold Medalist from the Osmania University. He is the best Librarian Awardee from the IASLIC and the P.S. Telugu University.  He was recipient of the Martenson Fellowship from the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign.  He was member of the UGC Library panel, member of the Executive Committee of the RRRLF.  He was a member of Executives of the ILA and IASLIC for one term each.  He had written and edited 38 books and contributed about 98 articles

Dr. M. Koteswara Rao joined the University of Hyderabad in April 2006 as University Librarian, Indira Gandhi Memorial Library. Prior to this, Dr. Koteswara Rao worked as Deputy Librarian at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai from May 1991 to April 2006.  Prior to this he worked at the United Nations Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology, Bangalore from 1980 to 1991.  He holds a Masters degree in Zoology and a Bachelors Degree in Library Science from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.  He is a recipient of the Associateship in Documentation and Information Science from the DRTC, ISI, Bangalore, and later a Ph.D. from the University of Madras, Chennai.  He has more than 18 journal articles/papers published in various journals and conference proceedings.  He had participated in various National and International seminars and workshops and organized several training programmes to library staff.  He visited Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and China.  He is a member of professional associations like – ILA, IASLIC, MALA, KALA & ALSD.

Dr. K. Veeranjaneyulu is the University Librarian at Acahrya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad. He has a distinguished academic career to his credit. He was a gold medallist in BLISc. from S.V. University, Tirupati. He pursued M.Com., MLISc., BGL., and Ph.D., from the same University. He also possesses PGDLAN and a Diploma in Software applications. He assumed editorial responsibility to many professional journals, and has 95 articles published to his credit. He has attended and contributed papers at many conferences and seminars. He is a life member of ILA, IATLIS, IASLIC, AALDI, FIC, APLA and ALSD.        

Ms. Y. Uma Devi, M. Sc., M.L.I.Sc., presently Assistant Librarian, Central Library, Acahrya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad. Member of various professional associations. She has published several papers in various professional journals and edited 4 books.
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