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Pharmaceutical Packaging Technology
Author(s) :U. K. Jain, D. C. Goupale, S. Nayak

ISBN : 9789381075104
Name : Pharmaceutical Packaging Technology
Price : Currency 425.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : U. K. Jain, D. C. Goupale
Type : Text Book
Pages : 308
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2022
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

Packaging technology has become a separate subject in pharmaceutical sciences due to its vital applications in preserving therapeutic efficacy of drugs. The subject was less understood earlier due to non-availability of complete information. This book presents detailed account in the form of a specialized book on the subject.

      Blisters and strips packaging are of growing importance and so a chapter is included on this topic. Parenteral, and ophthalmic products need sterilized packaging, therefore a chapter covering unique features for sterilizing packaging materials has been included. A chapter on regulatory aspects of Pharmaceutical packaging has also been added. Our Reader’s demand motivated us to include a chapter on Blow-Fill-Seal (BFS) packaging technology in upcoming second edition of this book.

Salient Features

·            Each chapter is arranged to facilitate the effortless flow of information in simple, motivating, and commonsensical approach.

·            Detailed physico-chemical information on raw material e.g. glass, plastic, polymers, metals etc. used in Pharmaceutical packaging is presented

·            More informative emphasize has been made on Pharmaceutical packaging design based on characteristic properties of materials used in packaging.

  ·            A chapter on quality control and stability testing of packages explains the shelf-life concern aspects of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API).


1. Pharmaceutical packaging and design, 2. Packaging materials, 3. Polymers and plastics in packaging, 4. Glass as a packaging material, 5. Metals in packaging, 6. Blister and strip packages, 7. Quality control in packaging, 8. Defects in packaging, 9.Stability of packages, 10. Ancillary materials used in packaging, 11. Sterilization of packaging, 12.Packaging of parenterals, 13. Ophthalmic and aerosols, 14.Corrugated fiberboard and cartons, 15. Labelling of pharmaceutical packages, 16. Regulatory aspect of pharmaceutical packaging, 17. Blow-fill-seal (bfs) in pharmaceutical packaging

About the Authors:

U. K. Jain, Ph.D, is presently working as Professor and Principal at Bhopal Institute of Technology and Science-Pharmacy, Bhopal (MP) and Group Director of Globus Group of Pharmacy Institutions, Bhopal. He has 22 years of academic and industrial experience in the pharmaceutical field. He has over 60 publications in national and international journals to his credit and “Indian Drugs Manufacturers Association (IDMA) has rewarded him with “Best Research Paper Award 2006” for one of his research paper. He is life member of various Pharmaceutical organizations of national repute.

D. C. Goupale, M. Pharm, is presently working as Asso. Professor at Bansal College of Pharmacy, Bhopal (MP). He has 10 years of academic and industrial experience in the field. He has 10 publications in national and international journals to his credit.

S. Nayak, Ph.D, is presently working as Professor and Principal at Bansal College of Pharmacy, Bhopal (MP). He has 22 years of experience in the field. He has over 65 publications in national and international journals to his credit.
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